Kathleen Dragan
2 min readNov 30, 2017

This is the most thought provoking question of the year. It appears simple even a bit mundane. But, beware, it will turn your world upside down.

Putting this question in the spotlight of truth creates something so totally unique it will be difficult not to ponder it throughout the day.

Who am I? What makes this question a bit magical are the stipulations. What can and can’t be used in identifying who you are. Also, the list below is for deep thinking and not to be read hastily. Most people are unable to answer the question. Will you be able to?


You cannot use any of the following to answer the question. Both past and present tense apply.

Your name, address, country, state, website or email.

Your age, sex, nationality, skin color, color of eyes, size of body or handicap.

Your sexual preference, sexual orientation, religion, spirituality, languages you speak or marital status.

Your color of hair, baldness, real teeth or dentures.

Your relationship to any other person or pet.

Your job, lack of job, job title or any hobbies.

Your achievements, awards, medals, winnings or losses.

You bank account, savings, things owned, debt of any kind.

Your health or lack of, medications taken, surgeries, accidents or near death experiences.

Your rank, serial number, social security number, phone or cell phone number.

Your schools attended, grades completed, courses taken, scholarships, diplomas, certificates or degrees.

You criminal activities, addictions or recoveries.

Your fears, joyful moments, travels, or dreams.

How did you do? Need more time to think about it? Take all the time you need. Searching for your answer is a journey few people will take. Discovering it will provide you with a profound insight to the real you.

Never stop searching for your truth.



Kathleen Dragan

Writer. Passionate truth seeker. Committed to discovering MY OWN TRUTH in having a healthy body, honoring my values, and expressing myself as only I can.