Kathleen Dutton
3 min readJan 28, 2021

Is that a glitch?

I’ve been saying thank you 🙏

Wondering Is that a mirror ? In the fullness of time …the picture emerges; some parts are hidden. Other parts of the drawing process are new; some colours seem to jump at you one day. It’s a mystery each time; picking up the paints or the pastels or pencils… never knowing . Always attentive yet lost in the moment. Time slips by. Then a mistake! … well a big blob not intended falls in the middle of the whole thing…right in the centre .

So ? Then what ? Add more white …correct or let it stay. Suddenly realising this is not what my intention.

Saying Thankyou…What is a mirror anyway? A kind of illusion in itself.

There is a Japanese term …Wabi-Sabi

In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi (侘寂) is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of appreciating beauty that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete” in nature.It is a concept derived from the Buddhist teaching of the three marks of existence (三法印, sanbōin), specifically impermanence (無常, mujō), suffering (苦, ku) and emptiness or absence of self-nature (空, kū). There is much to be gained by pondering the notion of perfect imprecations in our lives…as it helps to generate acceptance of what is in the now and therefore a pint of focus to discern a path that can navigate a way to move ahead. Accepting “ whatever is in the way; is tbe way. Then decide on action or non action. Here is wisdom of healing. The seeds of tomorrow are planted in seeing; knowing and choosing to create regardless. To let go of expectations and flow . In the hands of the divine source.

Unity of all thst is lies here …in love with life; in love with all the magic that you are; I love you to the stars and back.

By Kathleen Dutton

Kathleen Dutton

“Cosmic Dragonfly Dreaming” Meditate, move, sing, draw, write, dream, heal. Focus, still, clear, and calm. Multidisciplinary & Multidimensional soul.