Kathleen Dutton
Nov 12, 2021

Some angels here !

In tbe dawn

Angels danced

On the horizontal plane

The planet Rotates

it turns towards the Sun,

or is the Sun

turning towards the Earth.

Clouds hide a secret:

of the day been born,

Some new magic!

It’s waiting for you;

Step lightly on the path:

Springing with joy:

Bursting witg love ❤️

God/ goddess/ angel:

Golden and pink …

peach and blue.

Wind a heart song

whistling in my ears:

“To hear you: is to love you.

Sing with angels: dance.

This day unfolding:

Observe: dear love

be the gift

In your own heart

Be the breath of life

Rise and falling

It’s for you

It’s for you

It’s for you. “

By Kathleen Dutton : Some angel here !

Kathleen Dutton

“Cosmic Dragonfly Dreaming” Meditate, move, sing, draw, write, dream, heal. Focus, still, clear, and calm. Multidisciplinary & Multidimensional soul.