Walking Reflection

Kathleen Dutton
2 min readApr 5, 2023


“The walk today after meditation, my eyes see other souls rushing by… trees young and ancient on the road . They have seen lifetimes…The clouds shift across the sky between buildings and I notice a small flower in the crack of the road . A bluebell . “

There are spouting in gardens optimistic daffodils bright against the grey of the streets here…

The pink blossoms on trees really catch my eye today they speak my heart of pure love …pink heart energy blooming throughout the street . Potential energy, nature’s resilience . The colour of Love .

The inner being that connects us all to that ‘Big love’ 💖 plus peace, purity with great strength allows us to step into a new way of being responsible for our own response to what is … be that family friends, the news. It gets your attention the soul stirs, its time to discern where the souls life force is going ? Today taking moment to consider. What am I choosing to feed in this way direct your souls energies to Love 💖 and healing or to fear and hate ?

What is working in my life and what needs to change ? Am I willing to change ?

Yes, I’m ready. So now it’s time for patience and that inner discernment. How I spend my time, How and what I purchase. What I say…what I watch it all matters. Seeing through the eyes of LOVE 💖 is the answer.



Kathleen Dutton

“Cosmic Dragonfly Dreaming” Meditate, move, sing, draw, write, dream, heal. Focus, still, clear, and calm. Multidisciplinary & Multidimensional soul.