Security Camera registers an “Extraterrestrial Entity” in Mexico

Kathlee Holloway
1 min readOct 4, 2018


Surprising images of a security camera are causing a sensation on the Internet. They show how a possible unknown entity floats on the pavement of a street before the perplexed look of a witness.(Security Camera registers an “Extraterrestrial Entity”)

The event, according to the record that can be seen in the video, took place on January 17, 2017, in a street in Mexicali (Baja California, Mexico)

In spite of the low resolution of the camera and the excess of light in the right side of the screen, it is possible to see something that does not have a defined shape and that advances slowly. Suddenly, it takes more speed to get very close to a zebra crossing and there it remains parked.

A few seconds later, a guy who was crossing a few meters from him stops to look at him. After a short time, the object moves to the right until it disappears.(Security Camera registers an “Extraterrestrial Entity”)

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