The case of Alien abduction of an American soldier who witnessed three races of aliens (know the truth)

Kathlee Holloway
2 min readOct 4, 2018


A couple of weeks ago on the conspiracy sites, there was an unusual video with the story of a soldier of the US Army about how he was abducted by aliens. An unnamed black man is surrounded by other soldiers and talks about how he was abducted and what he saw being among the aliens.(abduction of an American soldier)

On the board behind him, he tries to sketch the described, but the video does not clearly see what he painted. Judging by the grins on the faces of the soldiers, they do not particularly believe his story, but the kidnapped man tells in detail and seriously and seems to believe what he is saying.

According to the soldier, after he was kidnapped, he saw representatives of three races of aliens. The first were typical large and short “gray”, the second were “tall white”, and the third were reptiloids. On the board he tried to portray these creatures. Then he tells that he visited the gray planet and that there he breathed the usual air, as the atmospheres of their planet and Earth are very similar. But the gray planet is in a double star system and there are two suns (as in Star Wars on the planet Tatooine), so the climate is much drier. “The bones of the” gray “are also much more fragile than human bones.”(abduction of an American soldier).

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