Neuroscience wins!! A Good Weight Loss Diet Plan.

Kathleen Milligan
6 min readJun 2, 2018


Is food addiction really a thing?

Most people who battle with food addictions are truly unaware of the stifling grip they are held in. Like any addiction most actions- especially with food, are justified and necessary. It seems so unrealistic in the world of dieting when people can actually lose weight but simply cannot remain in right size body(99% fail rate). There are so few people who are aware of food addiction and the symptoms because part of the addiction is the cause that truly keeps us fat and addicted. The good news is there is recent research and scientific methods to stop food addiction. I learned late in life that sugar and flour are not for me or for my brain.

Are you a food addict or just confused?

Food addiction is not really as clear as asking “Are you a morning person or a night person?”

The manifestation of a food addiction is a subtle collection of food choices and habits that have developed over time and become more out of control and therefore more prevalent in our culture than any other addiction. For most people the addiction idea is ludicrous, there’s really no reason to believe the habit of eating foods that contain refined sugar and flour will drive us to the brink disaster with diabetes, obesity, and mood disorders such as anxiety and depression — all being treated as natural outcomes to unhealthy lifestyles which point to undisciplined, will power lacking, overweight over eaters.

Moment of clarity.

I had an inkling many times about my addiction to sugar, flour and alcohol and I was so desperate for an answer. The hunch was after ticking off all the boxes on a very successful happy life, I felt apprehension celebrating because something just didn’t match up. I thought I was crazy. But I never gave up. I kept trying, sometimes succeeding (but always gaining the weight back while losing confidence), until my mind was opened to the truth! I don’t even remember why I jumped in with both feet almost immediately. Maybe because the Bright Line Eating Bootcamp echoed with success stories, the eerie sounds of all the participants with the same story…. “I didn’t know”

I do not ever want to go back to those early days of grappling with, and white knuckling my way through, barely making it thorough the day. Bright Line Eating became the answer I was looking for — even when it took vulnerability and raw honesty.

He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. — Friedrich Nietzsche

I never looked back. That’s what makes Bright Line Eating so compelling and so easy to connect to and fly.

Is this you?

  1. Food is all you think about.
  2. You want to stop — but you can’t, you feel like food calls to you.
  3. You eat in secret, make excuses or lie about what you’ve eaten.
  4. You eat beyond the point of fullness but still thinking about your next meal.
  5. You are compelled to eat, especially certain foods.

Breaking food addiction.

Fortunately, we now have the brain science behind food addiction, so we now know what can we do to overcome it.

Just like we can all break any addiction, right??

Crushing the cravings of the addictive foods takes some serious courage.

Someone who has been through it all over and over again is Susan Peirce Thompson. Basically, Susan is a genius with an insanely outrageous addictive past and so, she took on her own brain to recover the truth.

So here’s how you use her learning and research to take the smart approach to beating food addiction, which ultimately revolves around your habits.

  1. For many people truly addicted to food, there is no such thing as moderation. All-important watershed of self-responsibility means breaking the compulsive cycle that leads to addictive eating.
  2. Setting rules for your food is another way to beat using willpower, rules actually aren’t using willpower — and they can quickly become habits which bypass willpower altogether. This is the foundation of Bright Line Eating,the structured rules are so clear and direct that it removes the contemplation and decision-making process by giving you a precise program built on science and success. This approach is the best weight loss diet plan
  3. You need to become you own expert. Beyond just learning everything on the subject, you need to understand your own vulnerabilities, and start planning based on your research.
  4. Build a support group or hang out in online forums where people have the same experience and goals. People in the same situation understand you more than anything. Positive connections are a part of the cure to addiction and can powerfully influence your success.

Bright Mind

Bright Line Eating takes impassioned enthusiasm and guts. However, it gets easier as your brain transmitters heal and your body begins to respond by losing weight!! Awareness can create new opportunities to use your food addiction as an initiation; important messages from your body that you can decode.

Start by creating the space between the craving to eat or binge — and the giving yourself gift of making a powerful choice. That space is where the healing begins. The most wonderful compelling magic of Bright Line Eating is the exact science in what to do!! However, there really is happiness on the other side of the sugar compulsion and food addiction. Because what it comes down to is choice and choice is an inside job.

Right Body

Most overweight people have never lived in a right size body. The beautiful truth about Bright Line Eating is there is a clear path not only to losing weight but a reliable program to maintain and sustain a workable, safe, naturally healthy body where authentic happiness and freedom are the byproduct!!

We have all been there, in my mind I had watched the BLE videos and had decided it was a great plan but I was going to attempt on my own. Nope, didn’t need to pay the money for a boot camp. Good idea!! I’m jumping out of my seat applauding that great decision! But really? You’d get back on the diet horse ? If too much is at stake, then that remains irrespective of what part of your brain drives that decision?

Sometimes what we need to do is pray for a willingness to be willing…If you don’t pray, then hold the intention to be willing to be willing. Sometimes a window of opportunity will open, and when it does, you’ll know… and your intention or prayer will help you go through it and you’ll start to see the path and where to begin.

This Free Webinar offers the Science “The Badly Behaving Brain: Why 2 Billion People Can’t Lose Weight……And What You Can Do Differently”

In the spirit of full disclosure, if you pay to enroll in the 14-Day Challenge or Bootcamp via my link, I’ll receive a commission. The reason why I devote so much time and energy into creating content is because of this life changing experience. Because your success is important to me, I only recommend programs that I’ve personally used to create real results and I am a proud flag waving citizen of Happy, Thin and Free.



Kathleen Milligan

An outstanding Solution Focused Coach and Positive Psychology Practitioner whose decades of change work has influenced the lives of thousands of people.