How to Lift Yourself Up in 1 Year?

Kat Sabaa
4 min readJan 26, 2024


Let’s go on an Adventure. 1 Year Full of Lessons on How We can Create a Fully Normal, yet Fully Vibrant Life.

Photo by Tamara Shchypchynska on Unsplash

How are you doing this winter?

I mean, really, how are you?

All good or, if you’re actually honest, a bit of sh*t?

That’s how I feel, too.

But I’m not gonna settle for it. I am setting off for 1 year of rediscovery, a year of completely turning my life around.

And I’d like to take you with me.

Will you stick for the ride?

Join the Movement — Let’s learn how to Lift Each Other Up

I’ve been pretty low for a while, which is why I need to transform my life.

And I am starting today.

If you, too, need to pick yourself up, build a better life in an exhausting world, then you’re in for something extraordinary. The uplifting ride of your life.

What you will Discover on the Journey

What I wanna do is take you on an adventure.

Breaking out of our boring, often exhausting lives, to create an exceptional, an intentional life.

One life worth living for, once this year is over.

Come along, let’s build a full life of passion and meaning.

How we gonna Travel

While the stations on the journey are somewhat clear now, they may change. The journey itself will only unfold on its way.

These are the posts we’re planning to touch:

I’ll take you with me learning about (and applying!) the following secrets to creating a better life.

And I gonna share what I learn on:

  • Untapping our Potential
  • Happiness Knacks that actually Work
  • How to deal *well* with negative emotions
  • Creating a (work-) life balance: Having much more fun in Life
  • Igniting our Passion — Living our Passion
  • How to live with Intention: Intentional Living
  • Introversion and its Quiet Powers
  • Motivation — How we can motivate Ourselves
  • Creating Meaningful Conversations & Connections
  • Finding (or Creating?) a Work that works for You
  • Setting Boundaries
  • Building True Confidence
  • Finding Our Authentic Voice (in Writing, and in Life)
  • (Mentally) Healthy Micro habits
  • Empowerment — Empowering Us, Empowering Others
  • Happiness Research and How You can Make it Work for You
  • … and more …

The Starting Point

So. I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty low these days.

That’s how the adventure begins, this year of transformation. And that’s okay.

On paper, things don’t look too bad: Safety || All the Privileges that Come with being born and raised in Europe || a Safe job || just changed career tracks last year from one that made me sick to one that is actually alright, and has potential || mostly overcame my dysfunctional family || happily married after a lot of relationship cr*p || a financial security I definitely did not always have || nothing too bad, quite good indeed, and I know that. On paper.


But I feel sad, low.

Most of it doesn’t mean much to me, sadly. I am depleted from work so much, that makes it hard to enjoy all that.

Hard to sympathize with, but true. Do you know the feeling?

Do you know the feeling of just lacking the energy to live a full life, next to work and life’s challenges ?


Work stress eats me up, and I’m too exhausted at the end of the day to enjoy the good life.

A typical Introvert problem, indeed: So much work stimuli can deplete all energy.

The question that keeps coming back: How do people do it?

How do people live a full life, even though they gotta work 9–5?

Maybe you feel it, too?

I feel … work is too often consuming my life. BUT

We gonna find better ways this year to live our best lives, despite work.


There gotta be something better, something actually attainable for us normal people.

Not for the super humans 30 under 30s or influencer fake lives.

But for the boring normal ones, and weird ones, and quiet ones. My tribe (hello!).

The Destination: Creating a Better Life Together

Petty problems? Yes. But also, very normal.

It‘s exactly how I’ve been feeling since I started working: It’s too much.

We‘re checking our privilege, and yet, we do feel the overwhelm – our generation feels it.

That’s our generation’s plight, it’s the introvert plight:

Finding and Creating the Balance in an increasingly demanding (work) life.

So This is the Destination:

Living a rich, vibrant, meaningful and creative life, even though we gotta work.

Despite of work, with work even? Let’s see…

An authentic, happy life.

Join me on this journey, let’s build a quiet life to love.

It’s possible.

Let’s uncover it.

No: Let’s create it.

Let’s redefine our lives.

quietly yours,




Kat Sabaa

As an introvert, I write about creating a quiet life to love in a frickin' loud world. And about how to ignite motivation, passion+our potential to empower us.