Angel in the woods

2 min readApr 17, 2020


She slowly opened her eyes and then she realized ,as she sighed heavily, that she was standing amidst an enticing woods , in a cold winter morn.The shivery but gentle breeze ,kissed her short and beautiful curls ,which swung on her temples like a light feather.She started taking slow strides towards no where. The dew drops run away as soon as they fall on her waterproof jacket .The fog hugged her and she often takes her breathe vapour and rubbed it against her face ,to make it warmer. Her arms were tightly crossed ,where she could feel the goosebumbs she had on them ,beneath her jacket. The chirping of birds in the early morning was a mellow call for the virgin sun to rise . She saw a mother bird telling stories or may be singing to her tiny kids in a small wood pod. She wished ,she had a camera to capture the beautiful moment...
It took her to memories ,right back several years. She presented him a camera ,which was one of his dreams ,which she fulfilled for him on their second anniversary. She had never seen him so excited before, neither had she seen him so infuriated the day , the camera was held to the ransom and he went all the way off the home. He thrashed his own life and soul , his camera, in a tick of a second. That was the last day she saw him too. She wiped her tears as she gasped. Still she hopes to meet him again before the knell rung for her last journey. It has been one year since she was diagnosed with a fatal bone disease.
As she kept more and more paces , she saw a glimpse of illumination , through the woods ,a few feet apart. She focussed her eyes , nevertheless , she could only see a patch of bright light ,shining like a diamond , with its luminosity piercing through the mild fog. She counted as she took every other clump towards it ,wondering whether it was a light of hope or the angel who came to beckon her to her last sleep of eternity....




Let your heart speak through your pen when your tongue is forbidden💫🍃