Do You Know How to Connect the Dots?

You might gain a new perspective.

Kathryn A. LeRoy
3 min readJun 28, 2020

Did you ever solve dot-to-dot puzzles? I loved them and could sit for hours searching for one number after another. Seeing the image revealed by connecting the dots held a magic that I cannot explain.

The metaphor of connecting the dots to learn, to understand, to see with new eyes helps make sense of the unknown. A new perspective emerges when we can visualize how ideas or concepts interrelate.

Connecting the dots in life…

Our families, schools, businesses, the world contain a myriad of dots within systems and processes. To make sense of the world we are constantly trying to connect dots.

Language begins with connecting words to things and eventually more abstract concepts and ideas. As we learn those more complex concepts, our brain naturally searches for something that we already know. We connect the known to the unknown.

Importance of connecting . . .

When we underestimate the power of making connections, we create silos in our homes, communities, and workplaces. I have my dots. You have your dots.

Nature doesn’t work that way. Humans can’t work that way. What happens in our human body when organs stop…



Kathryn A. LeRoy

Creator of words and images. Seeker of excellence, kindness, and learning. Believer in the strength of the human spirit. Find me at: