Perspective — How to See Through the Eyes of Others

Can you let go of what you see to consider another view?

Kathryn A. LeRoy
2 min readOct 2, 2020
pink and grey clouds taking the shape of an elephant offering a perspective
What Do You See? by Kathryn LeRoy

Perspective changes everything.

How can we see through the eyes of others? Why would we want to?

When I can stop and consider how someone else sees the problem or lack of a problem, the new view can change my perception.

Perspective or perception?

Let’s keep this simple.

Basically, perspective is the vantage point from which I view the world. My interpretation of what I see shapes my perceptions. Depending on where I am standing, or the experiences I bring to the discussion, perspective changes. When my perspective changes, my perception or interpretation of what I see changes.

We must look at the lens through which we see the world, as well as the world we see, and that the lens itself shapes how we interpret the world.
Stephen R. Covey

Teams often complain about colleagues who refuse to look at the issues. Frustration builds when we don’t understand why others cannot or will not see what appears plainly in front of us.

Improvement, excellence, quality-all require change. Change creates discomfort. Leading change requires seeking and…



Kathryn A. LeRoy

Creator of words and images. Seeker of excellence, kindness, and learning. Believer in the strength of the human spirit. Find me at: