What Can You Find in a Clerihew?

Humor, rhyme, and little known facts come to mind.

Kathryn A. LeRoy
2 min readJun 29, 2020

You may have studied sonnets, elegies, and haiku in school. But what about a clerihew?

Edward Clerihew Bentley claims to have invented this whimsical biographical poem to escape boredom during his chemistry class. A clerihew begins with the name of the poem’s subject, generally someone famous. The four line poem follows the AABB rhyme scheme and usually has an irregular line length and meter.

A few famous clerihew creators include W.H. Auden, G.K. Chesterton, and Henry Taylor. This is Bentley’s most well-known clerihew.

Sir Humphrey Davy
Abominated gravy.
He lived in the odium
Of having discovered sodium.

My obsession with quality and excellence led me to study the life and work of W. Edwards Deming. Even if you have never heard of the14 Points for Total Quality Management, the PDCA cycle for continuous improvement, or the Philosophy of Profound Knowledge, Deming’s work continues to influence how we approach leadership and excellence.

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Kathryn A. LeRoy

Creator of words and images. Seeker of excellence, kindness, and learning. Believer in the strength of the human spirit. Find me at: https://kathrynleroy.com