Building 2 Mobile Apps: From 0 to Launch in 6 Days [Day 5]

Kathy Li
5 min readOct 23, 2018

🔥 Important Update

An event just came up on my radar for this Thursday, which happens to coincide with — that’s right — Day 7 of this mobile app development challenge!

In light of this calendar clash, I have made a somewhat insane decision:

I am going to push the launch up a day!

I just think it sounds way better than delaying it. And besides, I will most likely have quite a bit of followup tasks to handle after the event, so I might as well wrap up the challenge beforehand.

In a way, this is serving as a good example of why we should always cushion our time estimates to account for unforeseen circumstances.

Fingers crossed that I can find time to take care of post-launch work and updates.

The title of this series has effectively been updated to “From 0 to Launch in 6 Days” to reflect the change as well.

Considering the current status, I think I just may pull it off.

Here’s to the home stretch! :)

Math is Fun

When I signed off of blogging yesterday, Jet Tag’s time travel summary was still just an obscure integer of net milliseconds.

That has since been fixed.

Here’s the straightforward math operations that I did in the code:


// Set up the display info
var new_val = this.time_difference;
// Normalize the number for easier calculations
if (new_val < 0) { new_val *= -1; }
// More than a 1-day difference
if (new_val >= 86400000) // 24 x 60 x 60 x 1000
// Round it down to its nearest integer
this.diff_in_days = Math.floor(new_val / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24);
new_val -= (this.diff_in_days * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
this.diff_in_days = 0;
console.log("new val: " + new_val);
// More than a 1-hour difference
if (new_val >= 3600000) // 60 x 60 x 1000
this.diff_in_hours = Math.floor(new_val / 1000 / 60 / 60);
new_val -= (this.diff_in_hours * 1000 * 60 * 60);
this.diff_in_hours = 0;
// More than a 1-minute difference
if (new_val >= 60000) // 60 x 1000
this.diff_in_minutes = Math.floor(new_val / 1000 / 60);
this.diff_in_minutes = 0;
this.result_num = this.diff_in_days
+ ( (this.diff_in_days > 1) ? " days " : " day " )
+ this.diff_in_hours
+ ( (this.diff_in_hours > 1) ? " hours " : " hour " )
+ this.diff_in_minutes
+ ( (this.diff_in_minutes > 1) ? " minutes " : " minute " );
if (this.time_difference >= 0)
this.result_txt = ">>>>> into the future!";
this.result_txt = "<<<<< backward in time!";


<h1>Time Traveler Status:</h1>
<em>{{ result_num }}</em>
<em>{{ result_txt }}</em>

Watching It in Action

Looks good so far.

What’s a little time sacrifice on my part — if I could introduce more people to notice this often unsuspected awesomeness that is time travel via flights.

Edge Case: Invalid Date and Time Picker Values

This would occur if users press the big button to proceed *without* making any selections from the pickers.

To cover this scenario, I added some fallback values for the date-time components.


if ( == undefined) = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD");
if (this.time == undefined) this.time = moment().format("HH:mm");
console.log("start date: " +;
console.log("start time: " + this.time);
this.navCtrl.setRoot(ArrivalPage, { start_date:, start_time: this.time });


if (this.curr_date == undefined)
this.curr_date = moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD");

if (this.curr_time == undefined)
this.curr_time = moment().format("HH:mm");
console.log("end date: " + this.curr_date);
console.log("end time: " + this.curr_time);
this.navCtrl.setRoot(SummaryPage, { start_date: this.start_date,
start_time: this.start_time,
end_date: this.curr_date,
end_time: this.curr_time });


Now that I am using Moment.js in the Home and Arrival typescripts, importing it first would be necessary.

On top of both /home.ts and /arrival.ts

import moment from 'moment';

Doing Wonders

As a quick test, I clicked on the Home page’s [Now Boarding] button without selecting a date and a time first.

Then on the Arrival page, I waited 2 minutes before clicking on the [Just Landed] button, also without selecting anything.

Both the console log and the emulator’s Summary page confirmed that the fallback method worked.

That settled this one edge case.

So why on earth did we need the manual date-time selections in the first place?

It’s a design choice that was covered earlier in this series.

In a nutshell, it has something to do with being able to use this app without network connectivity, including in airplane mode.

So here we are — 5 days into the challenge and we have an app that’s ready for a soft launch.

What about the second app?

I will now show you what a walk in the park it can be, since I’m just reusing most of Jet Tag.

Say Hello to App #2, Cat Pat

Just a quick breakdown of the tasks involved:

  • Making a new app icon and splash image:
    20 minutes
  • Setting up a new Ionic scaffold:
    3 minutes
  • Install Moment.js:
    < 1 minute
  • Adding 2 new Pages, just like in Jet Tag:
    2 minutes
  • Modifying the code slightly, based on Jet Tag:
    15 minutes

And here we have it!


Tomorrow will be (soft) launch day!




Kathy Li

Chronicling how we invent and build products from zero to launch. (