Creating Work Life Balance

Kathy Husser
2 min readSep 18, 2022


Photo by devn on Unsplash

With the pandemic came a greater need to understand work life balance and how it affects families. Read on for ideas to keep your career on track and a healthy balance at home.

Stop Multitasking

Women are more prone to multitask more than men. However, none of us can complete two tasks at once. You end up doing two tasks, half-way or having to redo something else. In other words, focus on one thing at a time. Whether it’s answering email, phone calls, or watching your kid’s soccer game. Do one and only one thing at a time.

You’d be amazed how much you can accomplish if you concentrate on one task, complete it, and move on. I’m a mom too, so I understand the feelings. Stop multitasking now for a healthier lifestyle.

Make a List

Write down what you need to do. Whether it’s in your google calendar, a paper list, or in Notes; write it down. When you write something down, it gives your brain permission to move on. You are not “holding on” to the item in your head. You can clear the way for other tasks that come up.

It might be important to pick up dog food or prepare for a work meeting but don’t give each task equal importance. Write it down and cross it off when completed. Have a work list and home list to keep things simple or color code your task list.

Plan Time to Relax

Just as you would plan for your work meeting, block off down time at home. As a super achiever this is important, so you don’t burn out. Self-care and taking time for yourself is the most important task you can do for your family and you.

Your immune system will thank you and your gratitude level will increase with self-care. If you find it difficult to “unwind” check out some reaffirming daily reminders to help. Having reminders of what you have, (not what you don’t) is the very best method to find peace in life.


Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪ on Unsplash

Finally, get a dog or cat for companionship. Research has shown that petting a dog or cat reduces a human’s anxiety level immediately. Pets are relaxing and allow you to focus on something other than work or other distractions. Taking care of an animal opens up empathy for other creatures and your nurturing skills.

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Kathy Husser

Kathy Husser is a consultant with 25 years of experience in public service and business in Arizona. Blog: