Making Friends & Working Remotely

Kathy Husser
3 min readOct 8, 2023


Photo by Emma Dau on Unsplash

In an era of digital connectivity and flexible work arrangements, the concept of “going to the office” has changed. Many professionals now find themselves working remotely, a trend accelerated by recent global events. While remote work offers numerous advantages, it can sometimes create a sense of isolation. It canleave individuals wondering how to make friends when their workplace is no longer a physical space. Fortunately, there are several strategies to create meaningful connections while working remotely.

Water Cooler

First and foremost, embrace the virtual water cooler. Just as office conversations often occur around the water cooler, remote workers can participate in digital equivalents. Engage in team chat platforms, join virtual meetings a few minutes early, and contribute to discussions. This provides an opportunity for casual conversations and shared experiences, fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Work Communities

Seek out remote work communities. Online forums, social media groups, and professional networking platforms are treasure troves of like-minded individuals who understand remote working. Join discussions, share your experiences, and engage in conversations that go beyond work-related topics. These communities offer a supportive environment to build connections based on shared interests and challenges.

Virtual Events

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Participate in virtual events and workshops. Many organizations and platforms host webinars, workshops, and conferences that cater to remote professionals. Attending these events not only expands your knowledge but also exposes you to a diverse range of individuals. Take advantage of breakout sessions, networking events, and Q&A sessions to connect with attendees who understand your goals.


Initiate one-on-one interactions. While group interactions are valuable, establishing individual connections is equally important. Reach out to colleagues for virtual coffee chats or brainstorming sessions. These one-on-one conversations allow for deeper connections and the opportunity to learn about each other’s backgrounds, interests, and experiences.

Co-Working Spaces

Photo by Darryl Kelly on Unsplash

Consider remote co-working spaces. These virtual spaces are designed to mimic the camaraderie of a physical office, providing a sense of community for remote workers. Many platforms offer chat rooms, virtual events, and collaborative projects, fostering connections in a structured online environment. You can also host your video calls in these spaces to increase your network.

Be You!

Be open and approachable. Displaying authenticity and a willingness to connect can attract others seeking friendship in the remote work landscape. Share personal anecdotes, interests, and even difficulty experiences. Vulnerability can create a sense of relatability that encourages others to open up as well. Remember, you have to be a friend to have a friend!

While working remotely might physically separate us, it need not isolate us from building meaningful connections. By leveraging virtual platforms, engaging in online communities, and embracing one-on-one interactions, remote workers can make friends beyond physical boundaries. In this digital age, the tools to make friends are at our fingertips; all it takes is a proactive approach and a genuine desire to connect.

Check out my website for more tips on working remotely:



Kathy Husser

Kathy Husser is a consultant with 25 years of experience in public service and business in Arizona. Blog: