My First Solo Trip and What I Learned

Kathy Husser
3 min readJun 25, 2023


Photo by Myles Tan on Unsplash

I took my first solo trip to the Oregon coast this month. This is what I learned, and some ideas for your first solo vacation.

Plan Better

While I got see the majority of sites on my list, I’d plan a little better. I had a daily list of what I wanted to see. Thursday’s first stop was at Washington Park and the International Rose Garden. However, with the unseasonably cold and wet weather, there were no roses in bloom. This was highly unusual for April in Portland. So, I trudged along in the misting rain and saw beautiful daffodils and clematis flowers instead. First lesson, have a plan B if the weather looks wonky before you leave. My plan B was to visit Powell’s Book Store downtown and enjoying the miles of books inside.

Be Flexible

Photo by Yuta Koike on Unsplash

The next day I drove to the flower farms in Woodburn, Oregon out to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival. But again, the cold and rain had literally “dampened” the fields. Out of the 40 acres of tulips planted, less than an acre was blooming! Only green little buds dotted the fields, not the glorious colors from the past 40 years. I walked out in my rubber boots, due to the muddy fields, and enjoyed the quiet and calm. I got some great tulip shots in the fields and near the farmer’s market. Enjoying a hot cup of tea, I was thankful for the pause in the rain for an hour.

Be Adventurous

Photo by Franklin Babrove on Unsplash

Having more time, I drove 3 hours in the pouring rain to the Oregon Coast to see Yaquina Head Lighthouse. Praying that the sun would come out after checking the weather, it paid off. The coastal views made up for the tulip fields. The sun was out bright and shining! There was plenty of time to walk along Agate Beach. I had lots of time to enjoy the sound of the waves on the black rocks and just listen to nature. I took a chance and it paid off big time. I drove back along the Pacific Coast Highway, to see different coastal towns and experience new adventures.

This was two days into my long weekend and I was driving and navigating on my own. Solo travel gives you the freedom to see what you want, when you want. Plus, you get such a feeling of confidence even if your plans don’t work out exactly as you’d thought.

Check back for more tips on what I learned during my first solo trip, and how you can plan one!

Enjoy safe travels and check out my website for my travel tips:



Kathy Husser

Kathy Husser is a consultant with 25 years of experience in public service and business in Arizona. Blog: