Professional Development In Libraries

Kathy Husser
2 min readApr 8, 2022


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Organizations will have you train or take self-paced learning courses throughout the new employee phase when starting a new job. When you are a tenured worker or better yet a knowledgeable librarian, what professional development should you focus on? What are the next steps in your career and the next steps of librarianship? Read on for advice to broaden skillsets that allow you to excel to the next level in your library career.

Volunteer to Lead

When you are offered an opportunity to lead or be a part of a committee that will get organizational recognition, take it! For example, leading the annual staff training day or planning for the summer reading program should be on your radar to provide valuable information and leadership for a successful event. If you work in an academic library, consider volunteering to work on a grant application for a long-range project that will benefit your institution and library. Taking the initiative to lead will show others you have the leadership qualities to move forward.

Develop a Plan

As a professional your own development is up to you. You need to come up with other methods to excel and stand out to your organization in the area you are interested in pursuing. For example, if you are a youth services librarian, then branch out into another area or gain a mentor in a technical area to broaden your skills and be of more value to the organization.

Looking for opportunities and asking to help in other areas is always appreciated by leadership and will get you noticed for other openings as they become available. Have a plan or goal in mind and ask the appropriate manager or coordinator if you can shadow to learn tasks or take on a few extra responsibilities to learn a new skill. You will thank yourself down the road.

Be Flexible

Keep in mind opportunities will present themselves when you least except them so be flexible and take them when they’re offered. Be ready to jump at a chance if the position aligns with your goals, lifestyle, and career options. Timelines and career focus are great, but life is unpredictable and remaining open to unique opportunities or something a little different is always something to keep in a positive light. If you’ve worked hard and provide value to an organization, they will snap you up and you both win in that work life situation. Good Luck!



Kathy Husser

Kathy Husser is a consultant with 25 years of experience in public service and business in Arizona. Blog: