Remote Working Vacation

Kathy Husser
2 min readMay 9, 2022


Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash

With Covid still present worldwide and work being more flexible, think about taking a remote working vacation this year. What better way to take advantage of your time and see the world while enjoying remote work. Below are the top spots to enjoy a trip and still easily work remotely. Even if you’ve never tried a working vacation, the pandemic has shown us, “never to say never.”

Think Big

With the ease of Wi-Fi connectivity worldwide, your imagination is the only thing stopping you from your next holiday. Of course, larger cities in the United States such as Phoenix, San Diego and New York rank very high in Wi-Fi reliability. So now think about overseas locations that would provide a life changing vacation and still allow you to work. German based company, Holidu has ranked the best cities, so check out your dream trip before summer rolls around. Bangkok, Thailand and Barcelona, Spain rank high for overseas vacation workers. So, take the time to check out other destinations that meet your needs.

Time Balance

This goes without saying, that you’re on vacation but you are working, so balance is key. Think ahead about how your typical week will be planned out. With time zones, will you be checking email at 2AM or have enough time during your day. Think through current large projects, budget deadlines or other timelines that need extra attention. Book a trip during a time that won’t require extra work or constant attention while away. Have a list of activities to check out before you leave. You are in a new city or foreign country so take advantage of your time and see the sites.

Legal Guidelines

If you are thinking you’d like to stay longer than a few weeks in your vacation locale, ask your company. There are tax implications, residency issues, and visa requirements if you work longer than a few weeks. This varies by country and most importantly by your organization’s HR rules. Know ahead of time how long you can stay before you encounter any legal issues or tax questions.

Asking a few questions of your employer before you venture out is a great way to start a new trend in vacations. Take advantage of remote working and see the world at the same time! Safe Travels! Check out Kathy’s website for more travel ideas:



Kathy Husser

Kathy Husser is a consultant with 25 years of experience in public service and business in Arizona. Blog: