Top 3 Travel Tips

Kathy Husser
3 min readDec 3, 2023


Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

When you are planning to travel, not matter how big or small the trip, follow these top 3 tips. Your trip will be memorable and hassle free with only three simple steps.

Check Weather

The first tip when planning your trip is to check the weather conditions. My dream trip is to Scotland. However, there’s a reason the “off season” is late fall and winter. It’s very cold and rainy! Many of the most famous attractions are closed due to the wintery conditions. And, this limits your options for lodging, activities, and your overall comfort on the trip. So be sure to always check the weather, and consider traveling right before the “low season.” This will allow you to capture the best deals and beat the high season crowds.

Book Transportation

Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash

The very next step is to book your transportation or at least determine your method of travel. Will you be traveling by train or be driving yourself? Do you need to book a flight? With more people traveling post Covid, you need to plan your transportation ahead and don’t wait. As mentioned earlier, traveling during your destination’s slow season is best.

But, with so many travelers making up for lost time, your vacation spot might not have an off season any longer. Do your research and book ahead with your transportation and transfer needs right from the beginning of your travel plans.

Decide on Lodging

Photo by Sasha Kaunas on Unsplash

You’ve got your destination all mapped out. You booked your flight and know how to transfer to your vacation dream spot. Now, book your hotel, hostel, Bed and Breakfast whatever lodging choice you’ve made. Travelers today have many choices at many price-points these days.

Do you want to be able to cook some of your meals? Do you need to be close to public transportation? Where will you be spending most of your time on vacation? Are activities at the hotel important or do you want privacy? Decide what’s important and learn from my mistakes.

Ask yourself these questions to determine what type of accommodations you need and book it. Again, with so many travelers these days you need to reserve your spot early so you make the most of your “central hub” during vacation. I like to jot down a few activities and ideas to keep my trip flexible but the major activities covered. Be inspired and discover a new travel destination to nurture your soul this year.

Have fun and enjoy your next trip, wherever your heart takes you!

For more travel tips check out my website:



Kathy Husser

Kathy Husser is a consultant with 25 years of experience in public service and business in Arizona. Blog: