How Content Marketing Has Been Changed By Instant Gratification

Kathy Parker
5 min readDec 5, 2017


An Introduction to Content Marketing

At the core of your content marketing NYC strategy should be providing useful content.

Traditional marketing continues to become less effective. You are a forward-thinking marketer and realize there must be a better way to reach customers.

That is where content marketing comes in. Content marketing is a kind of strategic marketing approach with a focus on consistent, relevant and valuable content being created and distributed in order to attract a clearly defined audience — and to drive profitable actions from customers and retain them.

Rather than pitching your services or product, you provide your customers and prospects with very useful and relevant content to help them solve their problems.

Leading brands use content marketing


According to annual research most marketers use content marketing these days. It is used by most of the leading organizations all over the world, including John Deere, Cisco Systems, Microsoft and P&G. It is also being created and use by one-person shops and small businesses all over the world. Why? Simply because it really does work.

How quickly do you like consuming content? The results from a study show that humans have an attention span of eight seconds — which is less than what a goldfish has. People these days are very hungry for content and consume it faster than ever before. Content consumption has an on-the-go nature to it these days which demands that output be immediate.

Content marketing strategy

Content marketing strategy, at its core, is your “why.” The reason why you want to create content in the first place, the people you help, and how you help them in ways that nobody else can. Typically content marketing is used by organizations to build an audience and for accomplishing one of the following profitable results at least: better customers, lower costs or increased revenue.

Content strategy

Content strategy, on the other hand, goes deeper into creating, publishing and governing usable and useful content. Content strategy frequently goes beyond what a content marketing strategy scope is, since it helps companies with managing all of their available content.

In order to satisfy the instant gratification need, marketers need to refine their content marketing strategies. Let’s take a closer look at four ways that content marketing has been changed by instant gratification and what lessons can be learned from this.

1. Snackable content

During this digital era, bite-sized or snackable content has become the norm. When consuming content, audiences really value their time these days. That is why you need to ensure that your content is concise and short, so it is easy to share, scan and see while on the go.

You also should make sure that it is easy to absorb your content when viewed and shared on social networks. Think about adding open graph (OG) tags onto your website. These tags are used by social media in a similar what that meta tags are used by the search engines. A beautiful preview is created on news feeds by the tags whenever your content is shared on social networks. Users scroll through their news feeds looking for relevant content that happens to grab their attention, so the preview has a big influence on their decision of whether or not to click. Before you publish content, check to see how your posts are previewed on the major social networking sites. When you optimize your preview, it helps to ensure that you have snackable content for these platforms.

2. Quicker Distribution

It really isn’t much of a surprise that almost half of the visitors to your website expect it to load in under three seconds. What is even worse than that is, if it doesn’t load quickly, most visitors will leave your site and probably end up on one of your competitor’s websites instead. That is the main reason why new services like Facebook Instant Articles and Google AMP have been developed by digital trend drivers to provide instant gratification to users.

Google AMP: The aim of this initiative is to speed up the mobile rendering experience when browsing on the open web. Dramatically boosting page speed is the basic concept here. It does this through serving pages through the use of a light-weight, additional stripped down version of your original website to speed up the process.

Facebook Instant Articles: This services help you get a stripped down version of your website or blog loaded whenever somebody clicks on your link from their Facebook app. That way, your website is loaded almost instantly to your Facebook visitors.

If you have a blog and have not enabled Facebook Instant Articles and Google AMP yet, then you should check these services out. They can help you provide your visitors with a faster reading experience to help satisfy the need for instant gratification that so many customers are looking for these days.

3. Google Entity Search

Entity Search from Google helps users gain access to the information they are searching for right within the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). When Entity Search is used, users no longer need to dig through all of the various paid and organic listing in order to find the answers they are looking for. This feature was introduced by Google in order to increase its search results relevance through identify what user intent is based on every search. It provides fast answers, so it satisfies the instant gratification need for content consumers.

This Entity Search feature currently is focusing on providing users with personalized search results that are based on their preferences, previous searches and connections from Google+ and Gmail accounts. Unfortunately, there isn’t any way to ensure that your content will be displayed in Entity Search results. What you can do, however, is work at creating a strong presence for your brand and branded phrases.

4. Content personalization.


What personalization refers to is the process of content being targeted to people based on their preferences and needs. In order to satisfy your prospects’ need for instant gratifications, one-to-one personalization is an absolute must for all major digital initiatives. This means users won’t need to spend so much time digging around for what they are searching for.

For your content marketing needs and get more exposure for your business, you can contact SEO consultant in New York.

