Embracing Change: Overcoming Resistance from Our Subconscious

2 min readMay 1, 2023


Our subconscious mind is wired to protect us and maintain the status quo. It works hard to keep us in our comfort zones and protect us from any perceived danger. As a result, when we encounter change, our subconscious often resists it. However, change is a natural part of life and can lead to new opportunities and experiences.

We are frequently faced with situations in our personal development journey that challenge us to venture outside of our comfort zones and make changes to improve our lives. This can be a difficult process because our subconscious mind frequently convinces us to stay where we are and dislike change.

It’s critical to remember that change is inevitable, and we shouldn’t let our subconscious keep us from reaching our greatest potential. We must believe in ourselves and have the courage to face the challenges that come with change.

Here are some tips on how to embrace change and overcome resistance from our subconscious:

Recognise the resistance: When we are faced with change, our subconscious mind frequently attempts to resist it. Recognising this resistance allows us to begin making efforts to overcome it.

Identify the benefits of change: Instead of focusing on the challenges of change, focus on the benefits. Think about how the change can improve your life and bring new opportunities.

Take small steps: Change can be overwhelming, so it is important to take small steps towards your goal. This will help you build momentum and make the change feel more manageable.

Surround yourself with support: When making changes, it is critical to have a support system. Surround yourself with people who will motivate and encourage you to embrace change.

Stay positive: Embracing change can be a challenging process, but it is important to stay positive. Focus on the progress you have made and the benefits that come with change.

Change is a natural part of life, and it is important to embrace it to reach our full potential. While our subconscious mind may resist change, we can overcome it by recognising the resistance, identifying the benefits, taking small steps, surrounding ourselves with support, and staying positive. With these tools, we can embrace change and create a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

Never let your subconscious fears hold you back from making positive changes. Believe in yourself, have courage, and take the necessary steps towards a brighter future.




Student of Psychology | NLP Practitioner | Professional Erickson Coach