katie zhuinThe Medium BlogShow authors more ❤️ with 👏’sIntroducing Claps, a new way to react on MediumAug 10, 2017173Aug 10, 2017173
katie zhuinkt zineLiving as a woman in 2017Be modern but not too forward. Be feminist but not overtly so. Speak your mind but know when to shut up and defer to a man. Negotiate every…Feb 9, 20175Feb 9, 20175
katie zhuinHuman PartsI’m Deleting Snapchat, and You Should TooKeep your whitewashed filtersAug 11, 2016224Aug 11, 2016224
katie zhusomedayI have a lot of dreams. Hazy and unformed, fuzzy and far in the distance.Jul 17, 20162Jul 17, 20162
katie zhuRepresentation MattersMonday mornings I try to get into the office earlier for some focus time before the workplace really starts buzzing. But this Monday was a…Jun 14, 201616Jun 14, 201616
katie zhuinkt zinewalk on the other side of the streetIt’s amazing how I can walk by a place every single day but still miss so much. Still not truly perceive what I see.May 9, 20164May 9, 20164
katie zhurepetitionProduct development is a messy, iterative, multi-disciplinary process. It often seems like the same ideas continue to repeat themselves…Jan 27, 20167Jan 27, 20167
katie zhudear person who made my breakfast bagel:I paid $6 for an overpriced airport bagel, because I’m hungry and while I try usually not to indulge in breakfast bagels, I had to wake up…Dec 18, 20151Dec 18, 20151