Static Code Analysis in React using ESLint

Katie Wanders
4 min readOct 5, 2023


If you’re working on a React project, maintaining code quality and consistency is crucial. One way to achieve this is by using ESLint, a popular static code analysis tool for JavaScript. ESLint helps you catch errors, enforce coding standards, and improve code readability. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up ESLint for your React project.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed on your system:

1. Node.js and npm: You’ll need Node.js and npm to install and manage ESLint and its dependencies. You can download them from the official website: [Node.js](

2. React Project: Ensure you have a React project set up. If not, you can create one using [Create React App](

Step 1: Install ESLint

To get started, you’ll need to install ESLint in your React project. Open your project’s terminal and run the following command:

This installs ESLint as a development dependency in your project.

Step 2: Initialize ESLint Configuration

Next, you’ll need to set up ESLint configuration for your React project. ESLint provides a helpful configuration wizard to guide you through the process. Run the following command in your project directory:

This command will prompt you with a series of questions to configure ESLint. Here are some recommendations for answering these questions:

I. How would you like to use ESLint?: Choose either “To check syntax and find problems” or “To check syntax, find problems, and enforce code style.” The latter option is recommended for enforcing coding standards.

II. What type of modules does your project use?: Choose the appropriate module system for your project (e.g., CommonJS, ES6).

III. Which framework does your project use?: Select “React.”

IV. Where does your code run?: Choose the appropriate environment(s) for your project (e.g., Browser, Node).

V. Do you use TypeScript?: If you’re using TypeScript, select “Yes”; otherwise, choose “No.”

VI. Where does your code run?: Choose the target environment for your code (e.g., Browser, Node.js).

VII. What format do you want your config file to be in?: Choose the format for your ESLint configuration file (e.g., JavaScript, JSON, YAML).

VIII. Would you like to install them now with npm?: Choose “Yes” to install the recommended ESLint plugins and configurations.

Step 3: Customize ESLint Configuration (Optional)

The previous step initializes an ESLint configuration file in your project (e.g., `.eslintrc.js`, `.eslintrc.json`, or `.eslintrc.yaml`). You can customize this configuration to match your project’s coding standards and preferences.

Here’s an example `.eslintrc.js` configuration file with some common customizations:

In this example, we extend the recommended ESLint and React configurations and disable the prop-types rule.

Step 4: Run ESLint

Now that you have ESLint configured, you can start linting your React code. Run the following command to lint a specific file or your entire project:

Replace `yourfile.js` with the path to the JavaScript or JSX file you want to lint. ESLint will provide feedback and point out any issues or violations of your coding standards.

Step 5: Integrate with Your Code Editor (Optional)

To catch and fix issues as you code, you can integrate ESLint with your code editor. Most modern code editors, including Visual Studio Code, offer ESLint extensions that provide real-time feedback as you write code.


Setting up ESLint for your React project is a crucial step in maintaining code quality and consistency. With ESLint, you can catch errors and enforce coding standards, helping you write cleaner and more reliable React applications. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you’ll be well on your way to improving your React project’s code quality. Happy coding!

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