Weeknotes #23

Katie Attwood
2 min readAug 24, 2018


Last Friday ended well with Hacienda Classical and then, in an unrelated way (honest), my health took a dip and I lost a weekend.

Bez. He was looking a tad older but then so I am.

That meant I missed OggCamp in Sheffield. The content wasn’t fully my bag but, as it’s an unconference covering (alongside other things) open culture and collaboration, I really wanted to go. Here’s a tweet instead.

I’m doubly disappointed as I’d had some really good messages with the organiser, Jon, about my pre-emptive perceptions of the event as a woman newbie to OggCamp. We’re gonna chat still which is a good thing.

My lack of commitment?

A work theme currently is my choosing not to provide information around estimates and dates. Providing a so-called estimate based completely on myth, uncertainty and all unknowns is dangerous? Especially when the estimate will be remembered and not the lack of knows. I’ll provide an idea about when/how an estimate may be possible but that’s probably not viewed as sufficiently helpful.

I’ve had some broader chats about this and dug out some old reading. What will you decide to say? What’s your — Gut instinct? Judgement? Guess? Intuition? (Side note: why is it only women have intuition?). When some people guess quickly or early — why are they called decisive? When someone (AKA me this time) wants to commit later or wait until they’ve more information, they lack commitment or courage?

Yup, I know judgements have grey and I’m taking time to understand these perceptions and their reasoning. This from Catherine Howe was timely,

‘You can’t expect people to take any notice of you if you aren’t listening. But listening is not just about giving people airtime — its also about spending time understanding their frame of reference and where they are coming from. Deep listening is actually listening out for the stuff that goes on underneath the surface.’

Help me out though and buy this book. Finding out about it was an added bonus during scrum master training when @SalFreudenberg recommended it to me a few years back.

And finally….

This edition of my local news is about the second Sheffield women in tech event. So many great ideas, themes and dreams had been left at the drop-in launch in June it was only right that they were shared.

(Update: I stepped away from Sheffield Women in Tech in 2019 and no longer work with the group or look after the twitter account. I shared more on LinkedIn).

The notes I took this week will be shared once Pepper lets me.

As normal here, I’ll let tweets speak for me.

The first ShfWIT family tree. We’ll use those connections and build more.
‘I don’t want to be the only woman at a beer & pizza meetup*’
I just held the mic that night cos Pauline P. Narvas couldn’t join us ;)
Stickers and maybe pins. We won’t meet again til we have more.
Owt else needed?
I’ve realised it’s about this for me: an inward and outward looking ShfWIT community.

*I like beer and pizza- just not every time. And I’m not everyone :)

