Katie Bedard
2 min readMar 3, 2015

Effective habits for pre-meds

The medical school journey can be a long one with plenty of hiccups along way. We’ve said this before but there’s no right or wrong way to prepare for the MCAT and medical school but here are some habits that may make admission a little easier.

  • Habit #1: Treat college like a full-time job. With a new job, you want to hit the ground running so do the same with school. In a full-time job, if you excel, you’ll move up and make more money. As a pre-med student, if you work hard and put in the time, most likely you’ll get into medical school.
  • Habit #2: Stop talking about it and do it. Whether you’re studying for class or preparing for the MCAT, stop talking about how you’re going to do it and just do it.
  • Habit #3: Be an avid reader. Read things besides your textbook. This will only help your MCAT score, vocabulary, and seriously help with medical school.
  • Habit #4: Mind your own business. Do not — and I repeat — do not compare yourself to others. Others shouldn’t influence how much studying you do or don’t do. Keep it to yourself, as comparing yourself to others can lower your confidence. If you decide you need extra help, talk to a professor or tutor.

These habits — no matter if you’re a freshman in college or a medical student — are good habits to pick up.

