Blue Monday (Design Week VoxPop)

Katie Cadwell
1 min readMar 3, 2019


“In light of Blue Monday and January — what is the most depressing design project you’ve ever worked on, and why?”

Depressing is a strong word, and while I might associate it with this month and the last stretch towards lighter evenings and heavier pockets, it’s not one I would ever relate to my work (thankfully) When I’m feeling low, and in the mood for some self-sabotage, I delve into the part of the server where no-one strays by accident.

All the projects that might have been, the concepts that never saw the light of day, the ideas brimming with potential that didn’t make the podium, and a couple where the clients were so damming in their opinion, that opening the PDF is like volunteering for papercuts. And of course, that sub-folder we all have — those rare few that are filed under “never paid the invoice so doesn’t deserve us”

Original article here:

