What college has taught me so far

Katie Hoagland
2 min readMar 17, 2016


  1. I don’t like the taste of coffee, I like the taste of sugar.
  2. Buying that umbrella was pointless because even when it does rain I don’t use it.
  3. Fog is exciting.
  4. California beaches require more layers of clothing than Florida beaches do.
  5. Eating three square meals a day at conventional times is next to impossible when my mom is not the one cooking them.
  6. God has an uncanny and confusing and frustrating and beautiful sense of timing.
  7. I am not the person you want to have around during a medical emergency. Seriously. Avoid it at all cost.
  8. Friends are found in unexpected places.
  9. Sometimes the hardest decision is knowing when to quit. Changing directions (and changing your major) does not mean you are a failure for not seeing your original decision through to the finish. Knowing what is healthy and right for you is a far greater sign of success than holding on to something that is making you miserable.
  10. Expressing yourself is hard, but necessary and worthwhile in the long run.
  11. Nothing ever goes the way you expect it to. People plan and God laughs.
  12. I do miss my dogs but I do not miss their fur coating every single thing that I own.
  13. Friends who understand the way you think are important, keep them around.
  14. I am exceptionally bad at estimating the volume of leftover food when putting it in containers.
  15. Chocolate makes 80% of all situations better. Chocolate cake, 95%.
  16. Calculus must be studied.
  17. Making my bed every day is a really great thing to do.
  18. Discussing controversial topics with people who hold different viewpoints does not lead to the world exploding, but is actually rather interesting.
  19. Hiking is not as terrible and tragic as my father caused me to believe.
  20. Home cooked food and puppies are good enough reasons to go anywhere.
  21. Napping is a really beautiful and terrible form of procrastination, as is cleaning.
  22. I make friends with people who are scary similar to my parents.
  23. Faith and trust are more valuable than I realized.

