Goals, Goals, Goals

Katie Lynn Pimenta
1 min readDec 14, 2018


Hello again,

It’s been a minute since I last wrote on here, but life gets hectic, and it’s been exactly that for the last couple of months. I wasn’t expecting to enroll in school this year yet here I am, back in England for the second time.

I’m a few months into my program and its winter break. I still struggle with this notion of time, I still don’t understand how it works, even after twenty-seven years on this earth. What I do know, is that I need to be writing, regularly. So I plan to do exactly that or at least try.

I am not the best writer, nor am I a confident writer, I would like to at least be a good writer, it seems like a good middle ground.

The number one tip to improve your writing skills is to write regularly, and for the sake of my degree, I plan to do just that.

As Grammarly as my witness, I will write and hopefully get better (?). It won’t always be my best work, but it’ll be something. Every little bit helps, so here we go.

Katie’s journey to be a better writer (?).

You’re in for a ride.



Katie Lynn Pimenta

A stream-of-consciousness by a Canadian-Portuguese living in the UK, a law graduate, avid traveler, and dog enthusiast.