You Do Not Need a Relationship with Your Parents

Katie Lynn Pimenta
2 min readJun 17, 2018


Whether its Mothers Day/Fathers Day or even any other day, being on social media can really mess with your head if you do not have a “normal” relationship with your parents. Seeing friends or acquaintances post old family photos, praising and honouring their parents on whatever said day it is, scrolling through social media and seeing these posts can be difficult.

We often see a lot of portrayals of what a parent should be, and what kind of child you should be in comparison, know that we have our own type of “normal” in each of our lives.

We will not all be lucky in having great relationships, in being able to talk to them about everything and anything, or who understand us, or accept us for who we really are.

For whatever the reason is that you do not have a “normal” relationship with them, you are still valid. If you feel like you’ve made the right decision on what kind of relationship that is, then that’s all that matters. There is no status quo, and you do not need to feel pressured into having a relationship with them, especially if its a toxic or abusive one. Your safety should always be your greatest concern.

Take care of yourself.

You and only you know what’s best.

You’re allowed to live on your own terms.

You are loved, and cared for by a lot of other people around you.

We cannot choose our parents, what you do with that relationship is entirely up to you, and whatever that is, is enough.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash



Katie Lynn Pimenta

A stream-of-consciousness by a Canadian-Portuguese living in the UK, a law graduate, avid traveler, and dog enthusiast.