Blocksquare Series A Token Sale: April 18

Katie McCaskey
2 min readApr 15, 2018


Invest in Commercial Real Estate with BST tokens — just $0.25 USD

You could own a portion of rent proceeds in any major commercial district using Blocksquare’s BST token. Photo: All Bong.

Ever stand in a crowded city, look up, and marvel at the buildings?

Everything about the scale is staggering.

Not just the marvel of engineering, the artistry of design, or the coordination and expertise required at every stage to make those buildings a reality…

…but also, all the people and everything that happens inside.

Who profits?

Only the wealthiest could buy and sell commercial property of magnitude in the world’s expensive cities.

As cities grew and prospered the few that controlled these properties gained the most — and ensured that real estate profits were out of reach for most people.

This is changing.

The Blocksquare platform is building a blockchain-based plug & play set of protocols, APIs, and tools to process commercial real estate property tokenization.

Tokenizing real estate offers many potential advantages. A potent one is that more people can participate in the wealth of cities. As co-founder Denis Petrovcic explains:

We’re making ‘the complicated’ simple and ‘reserved to some’ open to everyone with an internet connection.

Not Just Theory: Blocksquare’s First Project

Ljubljana (Slovenia) is the site of Blocksquare’s upcoming test project.

The commercial property is a three-story building ten minutes by bicycle from the University of Ljubljan. It was acquired and renovated in 2015. It continues to offer a stable return due to student housing demand.

Blocksquare Ambassador Simon Kruse details the financials for Blocksquare investors:

Property price: 650.000 €
2.5% for reserve fund: 16.250 €

Tenants: 20
Annual rent: 45.000 €
Approx. expenses: 8.000 €

Expected yield: 5.0–5.5%

More details and photos of the property are here.

Series A Crowdsale: April 18th, 2018, 1500 GMT

Do you want to get involved? The clock is ticking!

Cap: 300,000 USD
Token Price: 0.25 USD
Minimum contribution: 0.2 ETH
Early-bird bonus for the first 60 minutes: 25%

25% bonus April 18th 15.00 GMT — April 18th 16.00 GMT
15% bonus April 18th 16.01 GMT — April 22nd 16.00 GMT
7% bonus April 27th 16.01 GMT — May 4th 16.00 GMT
no bonus May 4th 16.01 GMT — May 11th 16.00 GMT

Blocksquare is a “combination of an ICO, a startup, and a venture funding project,” explains Ambassador Paul Angus in the video below.

The Blocksquare team is countering cryptocurrency valuation fluctuation with additional airdrop rewards for existing investors. This proactive stance is notable. New projects require commitment, but also flexibility. The lower token price, plus rewards, make this an attractive opportunity for more investors to get involved.

I am a Blocksquare Ambassador. Register to invest in the upcoming A-Series token sale.

For more information on Blocksquare:

One Page Doc →
Whitepaper →
Proof of Title Paper →
Help Documentation →

