Here are some photos of piss jugs

Katie Notopoulos
2 min readOct 8, 2015


I’ve been saving these pics of 4channer’s “epic piss jugs” on my desktop since the spring. I need to clean up my desktop, but I didn’t want to lose these, so I figured I’d post them here.

Because, like, “what IS Medium?”, right? Well, I guess Medium can be a lot of different things to different people. It can be a place for ambitious essays and reported stories. It can be a place for a company to share its message, or someone influential in their field to share some news or analysis.

Or it can be a place to use as cloud storage for a bunch of images of jugs of piss that have grown mold and sediment.

Please read the story here that describes maggots and “entire generations of flies that have grown and fed on my piss”



Katie Notopoulos

Senior Editor at @BuzzFeed. Say what you will about Diaper (the lifestyle), but I'm chillen with my 2000 pt army of Chaos Space Marine Ownage, and I Wear.