About Herb Ritts

Lijie Jiang
3 min readFeb 18, 2017


From the list of fashion photographers, I would like to dig deeper what Herb Ritts did and created in his career. Herb Ritts started his career in 1970s, in his career as a fashion photographer, he collaborated with different brands for example Chanel, Gianni Versace and Giorgio Armani. He died in 2002, but his style further influenced the tendency in fashion field later on.

The reason why Herb Ritts pops out from the list of fashion photographers to me is because I am attracted by his style. I will describe his style as graphic style base on the clean lines and curves he drew in his works. Greek sculpture style also shines in his style because the main focus of human body in his works.

From most of all his works I researched online, they are black and white photos. They have a strong contrast of dark shadow and light, which creates interesting shapes and forms. He not only by using the light and shadow to show forms, but also using human bodies in different gestures and poses. I am also impressed about his works which are close up of human faces, in other word, the portraits. By looking at the eyes of each model in his close up shots, I feel that I am dragged into their emotions and feelings at the time Herb Ritts captured. In my opinion, although Herb Ritts mainly took black and white photos, he left a strong and left enough spaces of imagination for the viewers who look at his works.

Personally I like his black and white photos better than his colored photos. His style of emphasizing human bodies, shapes and lines influenced fashion to not only show their garments or products, but also showing the connection of clothes and products to people.


