The Difference Between a Girl’s Girl and Guy’s Girl

Katie Olsen
2 min readJul 15, 2020

To start, a Girl’s Girl is someone who values their female relationships over their male relationships. A Guy’s Girl is one who does the opposite- you often see them finding comfort in both romantic and platonic male relationships. While a realistic life is full of both same-sex and opposite-sex friendships, there is generally a trend that ensues.

The difference between a Girl’s Girl and a Guy’s Girl is clear as day. While I’ve developed a special sense of detection, there are sure ways to know what you are dealing with:

How to spot a Guy’s Girl:

  • Most of their close friends are guys
  • -They have a ~weirdly~ close relationship with their brothers or male family members
  • They seek validation in men
  • They claim to “get along better” with guys
  • Never not dating

How to spot a Girl’s Girl:

  • Most of their close friends are girls
  • They travel in groups of girls
  • Hugging
  • Extra close with their mother
  • You often hear them overuse the term “best friend”

You may be able to tell by my tone that I prefer Girl’s Girls. To me, they are more reliable and encouraging. The biggest issue with being a Guy’s Girl is that it begins to promote toxic masculinity. While a common claim from a Guy’s Girl is that boys are less dramatic than girls, the translation is that they are less emotional. The idea that men are not emotional is TOXIC. This is a myth. We need to work on reversing the system of gender conditioning and encourage men to feel. If we don’t stop adding to the problem, we can never solve it.

Now, this doesn’t mean that Guy’s Girls can’t have successful female relationships. They are completely capable of doing so. And vice versa! I do not aim to invalidate any current relationships, nor deter you from creating opposite-sex bonds in the future. However, I do encourage you to consider; do you want to be surrounded by Girl’s Girls or Guy’s Girls?

And more importantly- which one do you want to be?

