I’m a sex worker and Seth Meyers’ wife is trying to kill me

Katie Tastrom
6 min readNov 26, 2019
pale fat femme wearing light tan underwear and lots of makeup looking at the camera Photo Credit: Insta — Cpprods

Seth Mysers, his wife, and a bunch of people who have no business making policy about sex work have gotten together to push for laws that will make things much more dangerous for sex workers like me. The New York Daily News reported a new group of celebrities and lawmakers and other fancy people that don’t have lived experience of sex work or trafficking who have gathered to push forward policies that will actively harm both those who have been trafficked and consensual sex workers. This new coalition is doing the peak white feminism thing of deciding what sex worker laws are best without listening to actual sex workers. While the headline claims that there are trafficking survivors involved in the coalition, not a single survivor is quoted in the article.

I’m not only a sex worker, I also have decades of experience in activism and policy, a law degree, Master of Social Work, and too much experience in nonprofits. You can tell this coalition is bullshit because not a single person with lived experience has even been mentioned or trotted out by them. They had this big roll out of their terrible organizations and they couldn’t even find a token to tokenize — excuse me — I mean “give them an opportunity to tell their story to the media” — then where are the trafficking survivors they speak of? Because studies have proven that the plan they are…

