Book review: Letters to the Pianist by S.D Mayes

K A Kenzie
2 min readApr 13, 2018


It is ages since I delved into some historical fiction so I was looking forward to reading Letters to the Pianist by S.D Mayes. It has been on my radar for a while with its intriguing blurb and atmospheric cover.

Book review for Letters to the Pianist
Letters to the Pianist by S.D Mayes

Title: Letters to a Pianist

Author: S.D Mayes

Publisher: BHC Press/Gelan

Release date: 19th September 2017

Available from Amazon:

Connect with Author: Author Page





In war-torn London, 1941, fourteen-year-old Ruth Goldberg and her two younger siblings, Gabi and Hannah, survive the terrifying bombing of their family home. They believe their parents are dead, their bodies buried underneath the burnt remains — but unbeknownst to them, their father, Joe, survives and is taken to hospital with amnesia.

Four years on, Ruth stumbles across a newspaper photo of a celebrated pianist and is struck by the resemblance to her father. Desperate for evidence she sends him a letter, and as the pianist’s dormant memories emerge, his past unravels, revealing his true identity — as her beloved father, Joe. Ruth sets out to meet him, only to find herself plunged into an aristocratic world of sinister dark secrets.

Can she help him escape and find a way to stay alive?

My Thoughts

This debut instantly transported me back in time to the Second World War and I remained there until I reached the end. I loved the premise of a missing father and how the characters came to life on the page. It is about the love of family, the bond they share and survival in the dark times of war. The plot took me on a journey to places I wasn’t expecting to go with emotional, heart-stopping moments making me want to share this book among friends so can be discussed more. I can not wait to read more from this author.

I am now off to have some fish and chips by the sea because this is another book that made my taste buds tingle.

Would I recommend?

I love this book and would recommend it if you enjoy historical fiction and family sagas. It is worthy to be on my bookshelf to be reread and would be wonderful as a book club read.

Have you read it? Let me know what you think below.

Happy reading!

Originally published at Kate Kenzie.



K A Kenzie

Full-time daydreamer, aspiring YA and children's writer and book blogger. Loves dragons, books, tea, cake and snuggly socks.