Pinned15 thoughts to help you endure childbirth’s painIn childbirth there are moments when the pain feels debilitating and you need strength to hold on for a while longer. I put together a few…Aug 24, 20222Aug 24, 20222
Im a nurseNurse must be patient. A sick person could be difficult. Patients are in many ways painful and tired and therefore often also irritable…Jan 21Jan 21
Take care of your brainsWhen you are stressed, you make more mistakes than usual, your brain doesn’t work at full capacity. This can be seen as forgetfulness…Apr 15, 20241Apr 15, 20241
How to increase your serotonin levelsPeople with depressive disorders are often prescribed different medications. However, there are other ways to increase serotonin levels…Dec 31, 2023Dec 31, 2023
Remove these 7 limiting beliefs that are preventing you from growing as a personOur limiting beliefs often prevent us from growing. Changing them is essential for us to reach our full potential.Dec 30, 2023Dec 30, 2023
It is unfair if the partner has a different standard of living in a family with children"In a family with children, the money does not belong only to the person who earned it. In the family, both parents should be left with…Aug 26, 2022Aug 26, 2022
21 tips on how you can offer your child more loveA parent’s love develops a child’s brain. The care received in early childhood is reflected in the structure of a teenager’s brain. Even…Aug 17, 2022Aug 17, 2022
Finally, baby slept through a whole night!I’ve been waiting so long for this and it finally happened, baby slept through the whole night last night!Jul 4, 2022Jul 4, 2022
”Hey mom. Are you done?”Hey Mom. Are you done? Do not care. It is normal. It’s one of the characteristics of motherhood that it doesn’t always go smoothly.Jul 1, 2022Jul 1, 2022
What i would have liked to know before i became a mother?When I got pregnant, I knew very little about motherhood or babies. I had not taken care of newborn baby before. Here are a few examples of…Jun 29, 20221Jun 29, 20221