Kat Jaibur
3 min readDec 22, 2017

To the Ones Who Are Struggling During the Hap-Happiest Time of the Year

Dear person,

You are not a screw up.

You are not doing the holidays wrong.

You are not a bad person if you are struggling.

You are not cursed even if you are grieving.

If you have done things you regret, stick around and turn the page. Another chapter awaits you. Mistakes can be powerful teachers, and second chances are the best chances of all.

If you feel like opportunities have passed you by and your life looks nothing like what you thought it would, hang in there. You may get to see why some things happened the way they did and how it really was for the best in the long run. Or it may remain a mystery.

But I overheard in the ladies room that YOUR name came up and there is a miracle on its way for you that will restore happiness to your heart and meaning to your life.

If there are people or situations in your life that feel impossible, oh boy oh boy. Are you going to have a story to tell! Trust me on this one, please. Just keep the tiniest flicker — not a bonfire, just a flicker — of hope alive.

If Hope is too painful, at least stay open to the possibility that you could end up surprised. And if even that hurts, then just say “eff it” and let go. Let go and let God. You have earned the right to quit. God, on the other hand, never gets to take a time out. Think of it like the mechanic who keeps working on your car after you’ve said you don’t want it anymore. God knows what’s possible.

OK there’s more I could say but I need to run into TJ Maxx. I just want you to stay alive. Know that you are loved. Know that life is meant to work out for you.

Don’t believe that everybody else has it all together, has the perfect life, goes to all the perfect parties, has the perfect children or spouse or house or whatever. Even if they want you to!!!! I could tell you stories about that but I don’t have time.

If you have to, take a break from Facebook, Snapchat, Insta, etc. where some of the biggest illusions take place. (Well, go ahead and share this first, then go offline.)

Go outside and get some fresh air no matter what it’s doing weatherwise.

Call or text someone and let them know that you’re thinking about them — you just might save a life.

If you can muster it, do a little random or not random act of kindness. Leave an anonymous note in a neighbors mailbox saying you are loved. Clean the snow off someone’s car. Bring flowers to someone in the hospital even if you don’t know them. You’re creative. You come up with the ideas.

And like I said, hang in there.

Everything is temporary. The sun will come out eventually. Even if the gifts don’t look like you thought they would, they are just what your soul asked for.

A good cry is a healing thing. So Is a little glass of eggnog, unless you’re lactose intolerant.

And instead of merry Christmas, I will wish you a Holy Christmas.

It carries much less pressure and gets us back to what is sacred and true. There is something greater inside and around you, that called you into being here in the first place, that is working miracles on your behalf, even as we speak.

Remember, they’re called “miracles” because nobody sees them coming. I think it’s your turn.

And if you know someone who’s hurting, sad, lonely, discouraged, facing challenges or needs a boost, please share it. You might also also want to share it with the person who you think has it all together. We never really know, do we?

Holy Christmas, sweet humans.



P. S. If this helped you a teensy bit, please hit the little “clap” hand below. Thank you.