Eric Katoo
2 min readFeb 26, 2018


Is it real or not? Be the judge

In the world of computing, the minute you hear that someone is a 3D animator, you view that person as a king or even to the extent of a god. So how was I Different? I came to view that to be able to learn the art you needed to find an institution that specialized in it. While on YouTube end of 2017, I came across blender tutorials on 3D animation but I was a little reluctant.

At first, I feared trying out a new environment that I never felt comfortable with like designing. But as I went through blender animations and tutorials on YouTube, I gained the confidence to dive into the deep end with all my senses, and no restrictions. I searched for the simplest tutorials that would boost my ego when I hit a Blocker.

Blockers are quite the worse or best kind of enemies that model your ego. I took the bull by the horns determined to learn this scary art of the gods. I started with the mildest objects available around me like cups and plates increasing my challenge as time passes.

Finally, I was able to model an animation of water flowing into a container in a room. This enabled me get the procedure followed from modelling the 3D models and rendering their animation ready for sharing. Now I look at how I viewed 3D animators and wonder “What was so special about this guy that made me feel like letting him walk over my shirt?”

Now I was ready to face the biggest modelling challenge, the human body. Slowly I followed my tutorials piece by piece not skipping any instruction. I managed to model a full human with all the aspects that make them erect and mobile. I learnt how the human body structure could be modelled in to a 3D object and behave the same as a human.

I was able to even model the person’s clothes and animate him to walk,run and even play football. When you break the glass that separates you with a knowledge you desire, you start to enjoy the fruits you have been searching for. Fear bully you making you feel inferior and unable to acquire the desired knowledge. When you stand up to it you realize it was a scared being, trying on a big boy’s pants.

This experience gave me a motivation for accessing those other things in life and my career that I had thought to be out of my league. The courage obtained can never be broken. When I feel like giving up I just tell my soul “It will be better soon!”

