How to Track Someone’s Location Without Them Knowing?

Tech Meow
8 min readApr 16, 2024


In this era of highly developed information technology, we may want to know the location information of others for various reasons.

Sometimes, it’s because we care about our family’s safety and want to know where they are and if they’re okay. Sometimes, it’s because of work needs, that we need to know the real-time location of our partners or employees to coordinate work and communication better. And sometimes, out of curiosity, we want to know the whereabouts of our friends or strangers to satisfy our urge to explore.

This article will teach you how to track the location of others without their knowledge.

# Tip 1: Have a Look at Social Media

Social media platforms often store location information of their users, which can be accessed through their account settings or posts. If you have the social media account details of someone you want to locate, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., you can retrieve their location information by checking their posts or comments on social media. The location information is usually displayed below each post or comment.

Social media shows IP address to help locate a person
Social Media Shows Users IP Address


  • Convenience: the process of obtaining location information from social media platforms is convenient and has a wide range of applications.
  • Guaranteed result: the legitimacy of the location information can be guaranteed as it is provided by a professional social media platform.


  • The location information that social media provides for the user is based on an IP address, which is not precise and represents a large area. It can only be accurate up to a certain district or region within a country, and cannot pinpoint a specific street or building.

# Tip 2: Take the GPS Tracker into Consideration

Amobile phone GPS locator is a small device that combines GPS and GSM/GPRS modules to enable remote location tracking with high precision. It works by receiving signals from GPS satellites and providing users with accurate location information even under dynamic conditions. This kind of device is compact and easy to carry, making it a convenient way to keep tracking phones or people.

A phone that is equiped with a GPS tracker
Phone GPS Tracker Device


  • The result can be perfectly accurate and remains unaffected by changes in network conditions.


  • High cost: the cost of implementing GPS tracking on a phone can be high, as it involves installing hardware directly into the device, which can be troublesome and easily noticeable to the phone’s user.
  • Many limitations: the GPS hardware requires scanning through global satellite data during initial startup, which may result in slower positioning speeds. Location tracking may also be unavailable in areas with weak satellite signals, such as indoors or underground.

# Tip 3: Check Mobile Phone IP Location

Mobile phone IP location is a technology that uses the IP address assigned to a phone when it connects to the internet to identify its geographic location. Each phone is assigned a unique IP address when it connects to the network, which serves as its identifier. By obtaining the IP address of the other party’s phone, you can determine their approximate location.

A phone showing its IP address
IP Address for Mobile Phone


  • Widespread Use: IP location technology covers all network terminals and smartphones without the need for additional hardware. Users can conveniently use this feature in various applications.
  • Multi-dimensional Data: IP location results not only include geolocation information but also provide multi-dimensional data such as application scenarios, latitude and longitude, and carrier information, providing users with more comprehensive information.


  • Possible Large Errors: due to limitations in the network environment and the accuracy of the IP address database, using mobile phone IP for location tracking may result in a certain degree of deviation from the actual location of the target.
  • Operational Difficulties: conducting mobile phone IP location tracking requires a certain level of technical knowledge and operational experience, which may not be very user-friendly for those who are not technically savvy.

# Tip 4: Detect Location through Wi-Fi Network

This is a technology that uses wireless networks, especially Wi-Fi, to confirm the position of a device. It works by using triangulation algorithms to measure the signal strength and transmission time between the mobile device and nearby Wi-Fi access points. These access points have their location information recorded beforehand, which allows specific latitude and longitude coordinates to be provided.

An explanation for Wi-Fi location tracking
Principle for Wi-Fi Location Tracking


  • Wider Applicability: especially suitable for indoor and high-rise buildings where GPS positioning is difficult to cover.
  • Low Cost: since the prices of Wi-Fi chip modules and base stations are relatively affordable, they have universal applicability and can simultaneously meet the needs of data transmission and positioning.


  • Limited Phones Brands: for example, iPhones may not be able to be tracked by using Wi-Fi location due to the limitations of its very closed iOS system.
  • Large Workload: it requires obtaining a large number of coordinates relative to Wi-Fi base stations or APs, and when the base stations or APs change, it is necessary to promptly correct the map.
  • Operational Difficulties: requires a certain level of technical knowledge and operational experience.

# Tip 5: Try Third-party Location Tracking Services

Third-party location services refer to those developed by non-device manufacturers or operating system developers and are used to obtain device location information. These services usually come with a wide range of functions and features that can help users accurately determine the device’s location in different scenarios.

A third-party location tracking service
Third-party Location Service: TrackMobi


  • Precise Location: by collecting and analyzing signal data through technologies such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), wireless networks (like Wi-Fi and mobile networks), and Bluetooth to determine the device’s geographical location, third-party location Apps can provide a very accurate results
  • Rich Functions: some applications support multiple location modes, such as GPS location, network location, and hybrid location, to cater to different usage scenarios and needs.
  • Ease of Operation: third-party location applications are developed for the general public. With easy-to-understand interfaces and operation steps, they are very suitable for tech-savvy beginners with location needs.


  • Privacy Leakage: third-party Apps generally need to access users’ local data during operation, which may lead to the leakage of personal information and privacy.
  • Payment Needed: most third-party applications only provide paid service and their quality varies greatly since there are no strict standards to regulate these Apps at present.

# Tip 6: Use Built-in Phone Location Apps

The “Find My” app on iPhones and the “Find My Device” app on Android phones are the so-called built-in location tools for mobile devices. They can help users track the location of people, phones, or other devices.

“Find My Device” and “Find My” apps
“Find My Device” and “Find My”


These built-in apps are all officially supported, which means that they are safe and reliable.


You need to set up and authorize on the other person’s phone beforehand, and the operating steps can be quite cumbersome.

# Tip 7: Search on Online Map (AMap)

AMap’s “Family Map” feature is a real-time location sharing service specifically designed for family members. To create a family map, users can invite and add other family members through the AMap app. On this map, all members can view each other’s location information in real-time, making it convenient for mutual care and communication.

A map shows different people’s location
Online Map for People Location Tracking


  • Real-time Sharing: family members can view each other’s locations in real time, allowing them to stay updated on each other’s movements regardless of where they are.
  • Location Reminder: for example, when a family member arrives at or leaves a certain location, the user will receive a corresponding notification.
  • Historical Location Records: this feature records family members’ movement trajectories for the past 72 hours, making it easy for users to backtrack their family’s whereabouts.


  • Privacy Leakage Risk: this feature requires family members to share location information in real time, which increases the risk of privacy leakage to a certain extent. If this information is obtained by lawbreakers, it may pose a threat to the personal safety of family members.
  • Trust Issues: real-time location sharing may raise trust issues among family members. For instance, one party may feel that the other is excessively monitoring their movements, leading to conflicts or misunderstandings.
  • Abuse risk: some parents may overly rely on this feature to monitor their children’s movements, neglecting trust and communication with them, which is not conducive to harmonious family relationships.

# Tip 8: Seek Help from Law Enforcement

If someone is constantly harassing you or even scamming you, causing extreme inconvenience in your life, and you’re unable to legally obtain their location, you might consider seeking help from law enforcement. Law enforcement has the authority to track devices or people in specific situations, but it needs to comply with relevant legal procedures and regulations as well.

Three police helps a person to track lawbreaker.
Law Enforcement Helps Location Tracking


  • Efficiency and Accuracy: Modern law enforcement usually uses advanced location tracking technologies, which can quickly and accurately pinpoint the target’s location.


  • Privacy Leakage: If you seek help from law enforcement but the process isn’t handled properly, it could easily lead to personal privacy leakage and even suffer retaliation from lawbreakers.

In summary, there are various ways to get others’ location information, but we must abide by laws, regulations, and ethical standards. When trying to use these methods, please make sure to respect others’ privacy and rights and operate within the legal and ethical framework. At the same time, we need to be vigilant against those who might misuse location information for illegal activities and protect the safety of ourselves and others.

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