It’s not harmful to the environment to eat meat! It may even be beneficial

2 min readAug 7, 2022


I’ve seen many many Instagram stories and posts encouraging people to eat less meat or become vegan to save the planet. In spite of vegans’ convincing arguments that cows take all the water, food, and land, and produce tons of methane, they conceal some facts that mislead the public. Our planet is least affected by meat consumption and here are some facts about it:

Cows don’t add any Carbons to the Environment

Many vegans emphasize the fact that cows produce tons of methane. The truth is it’s a cycle: grass takes carbon from the air through photosynthesis and cows eat that grass and absorb its carbon. Cows emit methane into the air and after 10–12 years the methane will break down into water and carbon dioxide. So as long as the number of cows remains unchangeable that would be OK and the good news is it hasn’t changed in the last 2 decades. Carbon is added to the atmosphere only by fossil fuels, and it is not a cycle, so it will remain in the air.

Cows make the whole food system more efficient

Despite the fact that vegans claim that we could feed more people with the amount of grain cows consume. However, only 10 percent of cows’ food is actually edible by humans. The remaining 90 percent is crop byproducts like corn husks, almond hulls, soybean skins, oat hulls, and straw. They also eat leftovers from industry such as brewers’ grain from making beers. So livestock converts non-edible food to dairy and meat, making the whole system more efficient.

Cows are occupying land

Yes, of course! Two-thirds of agricultural lands are occupied by livestock, but they are unsuitable for growing crops; the reason is that they are too rocky or too hilly, or the soil isn’t good or there isn’t enough water. It would be impossible to grow anything on those lands, so the only way to use them would be to raise livestock.

Waste, waste, waste!!

One third of all food produced in the world is thrown away! Our food waste is made up of 14% dairy and meat. Non-animal waste, such as bread, fruits, and vegetables, accounts for 84% of our food waste. Producing vegetables and fruits that end up in the trash wastes water, soil, and other resources! In many countries, this waste is fed to livestock. When wasted food decomposes, methane is released, so livestock eating them will stop this from happening.

Veganism would only solve 5–8% of the current greenhouse gas problem. We can’t even call it a solution! It is more important to develop a better way to produce energy and to develop electronic cars. Feel free to comment if you disagree with my ideas




I’m a Data Scientist who loves data and informations