Top 5 Most Important Moments in Music History

2 min readMay 17, 2023

Actually, I’m kinda a “music geek”, however, unfortunately, I’m not really into foreign global music. So I’ll be working with the video “Top 10 Most Important Moments in Music History”.

They speak about the most memorable and electrifying moments that impacted music as an art form. Here’s my own top 5 :

1.The Woodstock . In 1969, the country was deep into the controversial Vietnam War, a conflict that many young people vehemently opposed. It was also the era of the civil rights movement, a period of great protest and unrest. Woodstock was an opportunity for people to escape into music and spread a message of unity and peace.

2. One of the most important moments of recent music history (for me) is the concert, which was held on July 13th, 1985. The biggest bands in the world of rock and roll came together for Live Aid to support relief efforts for the Ethiopian Famine. Freddy Mercury was a real shining star, Queen’s performance opened hearts of tons of people.

3. The phenomenon of Michael Jackson. Often referred as the “King of Pop”, his achievements helped to complete the desegregation of popular music in the United States and introduced an era of multiculturalism and integration that future generations of artists followed.

4.”ELVIS” . According to Rolling Stone, “It was Elvis who made rock ‘n’ roll the international language of pop.” The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll describes Presley as “an American music giant of the 20th century who single-handedly changed the course of music and culture in the mid-1950s”.

5. Gaga. Since 2009, Lady Gaga has been creating influential pop bangers and causing constant controversies surrounding her fashion, lyricism and public persona. She made the whole world dance again.

