[Download PDF] Onyx Storm (The Empyrean, #3) By Rebecca Yarros

Katya Piscatelli
4 min readJun 21, 2024


PDF Onyx Storm (The Empyrean, #3) By Rebecca Yarros
[PDF] Download Onyx Storm (The Empyrean, #3) By Rebecca Yarros

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Onyx Storm (The Empyrean, #3) By Rebecca Yarros


Get ready to fly or die in the breathtaking follow-up to Fourth Wing and Iron Flame from #1 New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Yarros. This tantalizing tagline, however, isn’t for a heart-stopping philosophical treatise on the potential end of humankind. No, this is the siren call of Onyx Storm, the highly anticipated third installment in Yarros’s Empyrean series. But what if we took a moment to consider a different kind of storm, a philosophical one, brewing in the pages of Todd May’s thought-provoking work, Should We Go Extinct?: A Philosophical Dilemma for Our Unbearable Times?

While Violet and Xaden prepare to face monstrous wyverns and navigate treacherous political landscapes, May presents us with a monstrous question of our own: given humanity’s capacity for destruction and suffering, would it be better if our species simply went extinct? It’s a question as stark and unforgiving as the jagged peaks of the Navarre Mountains in Yarros’s fantastical world. Yet, May approaches it with a philosopher’s precision, dissecting the moral implications with a scalpel rather than a bludgeon.

Imagine soaring through the skies on the back of a majestic dragon, the wind whipping through your hair as you confront a fearsome enemy. This is the visceral thrill Yarros offers her readers. May, on the other hand, invites us to confront a different kind of fear — the unsettling possibility that our continued existence might be doing more harm than good. He argues that our impact on the planet, our treatment of other species, and even our treatment of each other raise serious questions about our right to exist.

Should We Go Extinct? isn’t a nihilistic screed advocating for self-annihilation. Instead, it’s a courageous exploration of our ethical responsibilities in the face of our own destructive potential. May doesn’t offer easy answers. He doesn’t present a step-by-step guide to atoning for our species’ sins. Rather, he challenges us to grapple with uncomfortable truths, to confront our own complicity in systems of oppression and environmental devastation. He asks us to consider what it truly means to live a moral life, not just as individuals, but as a species.

In a world captivated by epic battles and fantastical creatures, May’s work serves as a stark reminder that the most challenging battles are often fought within the chambers of our own minds. While we eagerly await the next chapter in Violet and Xaden’s story, perhaps we can also take a page from May’s book and dare to imagine a different kind of future — one where our survival hinges not on military might or magical prowess, but on our capacity for self-reflection, empathy, and a radical reimagining of our place in the world.

So, as we brace ourselves for the Onyx Storm, let us also prepare for the philosophical storm brewing in our midst. For it is in confronting these difficult questions, in wrestling with our own moral compass, that we might just find a glimmer of hope for a future worth fighting for, both in the realm of fiction and in our own reality.

Name: Deanna Thornton

Review: Onyx Storm was a whirlwind of emotions from start to finish! Rebecca Yarros has outdone herself with this epic conclusion to The Empyrean series. The stakes have never been higher, the battles more intense, and the romance more passionate. I was on the edge of my seat, completely engrossed in the fate of these characters I’ve come to love. The world-building continues to be intricate and immersive, and the action sequences are breathtaking. Yarros masterfully blends fantasy and romance, creating a story that is both thrilling and deeply moving. I highly recommend Onyx Storm to anyone who enjoys epic fantasy with a side of swoon-worthy romance.

Name: Callum Finch

Review: Onyx Storm was a satisfying conclusion to The Empyrean trilogy. I was particularly impressed with the character development, especially with the protagonist. She’s faced with impossible choices and rises to the occasion with strength and determination. The romance aspect was well-developed and emotionally charged, adding another layer of depth to the story. The final confrontation was epic and had me holding my breath until the very last page. While I did find the pacing a bit uneven in the first half, the second half more than made up for it with its non-stop action and emotional payoff.

Name: Lacey Henderson

Review: I devoured Onyx Storm in a single sitting! This book had everything I love in a fantasy romance: a captivating plot, well-developed characters, and a love story that will stay with me long after I finished the last page. The author did a fantastic job of balancing the action-packed scenes with quieter moments of character development and emotional intimacy. I loved the exploration of themes like sacrifice, redemption, and the power of love. If you’re looking for a book that will sweep you away to another world and leave you breathless, look no further than Onyx Storm!

