What is LGBTQAI+ ?

Katyayni Srivastava
3 min readMay 19, 2021


Most common terms on the internet explained

You must have came across to different terms used in LGBTQAI+ community on internet or from a friend , Or while trying to figure out your own identity .Here are few common terms I explained .


  • L represents Lesbian - Homosexual females who are attracted only to other females both sexually and romantically are Lesbian.
  • G represents Gay - Homosexual males who are only attracted to other males both sexually and romantically are Gay.
  • B represents Bisexuality - Bisexuality is commonly seen as being sexually and romantically attracted to both male and female gender .But it’s not limited to only two genders , A bisexual person can be attracted to multiple genders as well. Bisexual is an umbrella term which may includes pansexual , omnisexual or polysexual .
  • T represents Transgender -People who indentify themselves opposite of the gender they were assigned at birth falls under transgender . Transgender is also an umbrella term this may include non - binary or gender queer.
  • Q represents 'Queer' or ‘Questioning’- Queer literally means gay , it’s a homophobic slur which is gaining acceptance these days . Avoid using such slurs without asking . People who are in the process to figure out their identity or sexuality falls under questioning.
  • A represents ' Asexual' or 'Ally’ -Asexuality is also an umbrella term ,it includes Demisexual, graysexual and many more sub — indentities . People who fall under asexuality are not sexually attracted to any gender or show no interest in any sexual act.They may or may not experience romantic attraction. People who are straight / heterosexual and supports LGBTQAI+ community are known as Allies.
  • I represents Intersex -Someone who doesn’t fit in typical description of male or female . They might be born with a female outlook but not with female reproductive system . It’s a general term which is used for group of conditions .
  • ‘+’represents the inclusion of other sub -indentities , gender , sexes and sexualities or someone who doesn’t label themselves. It shows that no one is excluded but everyone is accepted in community.

There are many other terms which might not be clearly in acronym but are actively used .

  • Cis gender -People who indentify themselves as same gender they were assigned at the time of birth.
  • Aromantic sexuality -People who feel little or no romantic attraction and avoid romantic relationships, towards other gender fall under aromantic sexuality. They may or may not show sexual attraction.
  • Heterosexuals - People who indentify themselves as 'straight' and doesn’t feel any kind of attraction towards same gender falls under heterosexuality.
  • Gender fluid - Someone who indentifies as 'heterosexual' but feel romantic or sexual attraction towards same gender in some rare situations.
  • Non - Binary or Gender Queer - It is an umbrella term for gender indentities who are neither male nor female , usually referred as third gender .
  • Pansexual, omnisexual, polysexual- They all fall under umbrella of bisexuality. People who are attracted to everyone regardless of their gender or sexuality indentify themselves as pansexual , omnisexual or polysexual . It might be a sexual attraction or romantic attraction or both. They can use Whichever label they feel comfortable with . It’s definition varies from person to person
  • Demisexual - It falls under asexual spectrum , when someone feels no sexual attraction unless a strong emotional Bonding is established can be identified as demisexual.
  • Graysexual - when one can feel sexual attraction to a very minor degree.

Whether you want to put yourself under a label or simply choose not to do so. It’s always your call to choose your own indentity.

Treating equally with love and acceptance is always a way to go .


