Two Sisters Nepal Cooking School

Katy Milligan
6 min readFeb 20, 2019


One of the best ways to learn about any culture is by enjoying their cuisine. Getting to know how to prepare the dishes adds to that awareness. While the kids were here, we decided to try our hand with preparing Nepalese food under the capable tutelage of the Two Sisters Nepal Cooking School. Their website has lots of information. They offer three classes a day (9 AM, 1PM and 5 PM) with the classes lasting about 3.5 hours. The cost was 3500 rupees per person (or less than $35 US) which included the instruction and the delicious three course meal. The school is run by young female entrepreneurs who aim to introduce their passion for cooking their traditional Nepali cuisine to people of all ages from all over the world. They provide information about Nepalese food, spices, cooking techniques, culture and traditions. Each course in enjoyed in their beautiful garden dining area. They were in our neighborhood but they do provide free pick up from Thamel, which is the big tourist area in Kathmandu.

Upon our arrival, they explain the three three-course menus that are available. (One is vegetarian and vegan upon request). Each menu has an appetizer, main course and dessert. We choose the first menu with chatamari for the appetizer which is also called a Newari pizza, Dal Bhat for our main course (which is the most classic Nepali meal) and chocolate mo mos for dessert. Newari are the historical inhabitant of the Kathmandu valley and the creators of its historic heritage and civilization. The mo mos represent the influence of Tibetan culture in Nepal.

Here is one of our three instructors talking us through the menu choices.
Here are our three instructors. All were very enthusiastic, fun and spoke great English.
I love their slogan — Empowerment through cooking

After choosing our menu, we went around the corner to a local market. They were great about answering questions and giving advice.

I had seen these but could never figure out what they were. Turns out they are sour gourds.
With our provisions we headed back to the classroom.
Each station had its own spices beautifully displayed.
They introduced us to the spices.

The first thing we made was tea masala. You combine milk, water, tea and a wonderful collection of spices called tea masala. Bring that mix to a boil and then strain into your mug. It was delicious. I will definitely be bringing some of this stuff home with me.

Here is Andrew straining his tea under Steffi’s watchful gaze. Then we went out into the garden to enjoy our tea.
Here we started the lentils soaking for the dal and then started on our chatamari.

Chatamari is a round of bread made of rice flour topped with egg and cheese. It is a Newari rice crepe often called a Newari pizza.

Here is Andrew making the rice flour dough for the crepe.
Here we all are with two of our instructors.
Andrew and Steffi preparing their chatamaris.
Here we are in the garden enjoying our first course.
These are what they use instead of mortar and pestle. Here she is grinding garlic.
Here is Brook mushing garlic. We all tried everything but they were a lot faster at it then we were.
After soaking the lentil, we cooked the dal in these cute little pressure cookers.
Here are Megan and Chris getting their dal ready to seal and…
then turning up the heat.
Here are Andrew and Steffi watching their pressure cooker in action.
Next we started working on the chicken curry.
Starting with the chicken.
You need to keep stirring so it doesn’t stick.
It was very hands on and fun.
Steffi adding the spices.
All of us busy cooking.
Here is our lentil soup — dal.
Another ingredient
Andrew is smelling roasted mustard oil which was delicious.
Water was added when the curry started to stick.
Chris starting to cook the spinach.
Megan preparing some of the spices for the tomato pickle which was almost like a salsa.
They let us try some of the local fruits they are pickling.
Here is our dal bhat with radish next to the rice and then clockwise, lentil soup, tomato pickle, spinach and chicken curry. It was delicious and best eaten all mixed together. Nepalis often eat this dish with their fingers.
Here we are ready to eat the fruits of our labor.
Back in the kitchen to make the dough for the dessert mo mos. I had had mo mos as a main course with chicken or buff but never with chocolate in them as a dessert.
They showed us how to roll out the dough, stuff them with chocolate chips and several ways to shape the mo mos. It was a fun process.
This is the traditional shape.
and then lots of variations.
The mo mos were steaned.
And placed in eco friendly leaf bowls that are locally made.
Here we are with our instructors.
The three young entrepreneurs who make the cooking school happen.

We all had a great time and enjoyed some delicious food. They sent each of us all the recipes (for all three menus) electronically which was really nice. I would highly recommend this experience and may talk my sister and brother-in-law into going back when they visit this spring.

For Andrew and Steffi’s last day in Kathmandu, we went to Asia’s largest stupa, Bodhnath.

Here we all are from the monastery balcony across from the stupa.
We explored around the stupa.
The day of Andrew and Steffi’s departure, we went for brunch at the cafe in the Garden of Dreams. The setting is very nice and the food was good too.


