GoGo Bananas — Barbie 2

Katy Room Comedy Writer...
7 min readOct 14, 2023

Under the scorching sun, Ken and Barbie found themselves at the water’s edge, eyeing a vibrant yellow banana boat that bobbed playfully on the gentle waves. Their sense of adventure kicked into high gear as they couldn’t wait to embark on a thrilling banana boat ride together.

“You ready for a peeling good time, Barbie?” Ken asked with a mischievous grin, his excitement contagious.

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Barbie flashed a playful smile, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. “Oh, you bet! Let’s ride the waves like we’re the fearless Banana Brigade!”

With that, they hopped onto the banana boat, straddling it with laughter as they held onto the sturdy handles. The engine roared to life, and off they zoomed, leaving a trail of excitement behind them. The wind tousled Barbie’s hair as she couldn’t help but feel the thrill of the open water.

“Isn’t this a bunch of fun, Barbie?” Ken shouted over the waves, his voice filled with exhilaration.

Barbie laughed heartily, “Absolutely! It’s like we’re cruising on a fruity float! Watch out for that wave!”

The banana boat bounced on the waves, and Barbie held on tight, feeling the rush of adrenaline. “Ken, this is like a rollercoaster on water! I love it!” she exclaimed with pure delight.

Ken grinned mischievously, “Hang on tight, Barbie! We’re about to experience some ‘banana-peel turbulence’!”

As they rode the waves, they spotted a group of playful dolphins leaping nearby, their sleek bodies gliding effortlessly through the water. “Look, Ken! The dolphins are having a water banana-let just for us!” Barbie pointed excitedly.

Ken playfully winked, “Well, Barbie, it seems we’ve become the Banana Brigade with some fin-tastic dolphin dancers!”

Their banana boat journey took them on a wild and fun-filled ride, and they laughed with glee as the boat bounced and splashed through the waves. The thrill of the ride brought them closer together, and they couldn’t help but feel like they were on a tropical water banana-dise.

“Ken, this is one peel of a ride!” Barbie exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with joy.

Ken replied with a grin, “I guess we’re ‘slipping and sliding’ through the waves like banana pros!”

With each turn and splash, they felt the rush of adrenaline and the joy of shared laughter. The water spray cooled them down, and the feeling of freedom washed over them as they sped through the waves.

“Ken, we’re truly going ‘bananas’ for adventure!” Barbie shouted, her voice full of excitement.

Ken chuckled, “You’re right, Barbie! We’re the ‘top bananas’ of water sports!”

Their playful adventure continued, and they couldn’t get enough of the exhilarating ride. They cheered and whooped as they rode the waves, feeling alive and carefree in each other’s company.

“Ken, this is one unforgettable water ride!” Barbie exclaimed, her heart filled with joy.

Ken beamed, “And with you by my side, it’s even more ‘a-peeling,’ Barbie!”

Barbie laughs heartily at Ken’s remark, playfully nudging him with her elbow. “You’ve got quite the knack for banana puns, Ken! But I think we should call this ride ‘GoGo Banana-tastic!’”

Ken grins, feeling encouraged by Barbie’s playful response. “Oh, you’re absolutely right! We’re the kings and queens of the ‘Banana-tastic Express!’”

As they continue riding the waves on the banana boat, their laughter echoes across the water. They can’t help but feel like they’re on a banana-themed adventure, with each wave bringing more excitement and joy.

“Ken, I’ve got a bunch of banana jokes in my pocket!” Barbie exclaims, unable to resist the opportunity to add to the fun.

Ken raises an eyebrow, intrigued. “Really? Let’s hear them!”

Barbie clears her throat dramatically, trying her best to keep a straight face. “Why did the banana go to the party? Because it was a-peeling! And why did the banana go to the beach? To do some banana-surfing, of course!”

Ken bursts into laughter, thoroughly enjoying Barbie’s pun-filled humor. “Those are just ‘bananas’! Keep ’em coming!”

Barbie chuckles, enjoying the banter. “Alright, here’s another one: What do you call two bananas at the beach? A pair of slippers!”

Ken’s laughter rings out, and he playfully claps for Barbie’s creativity. “That’s genius! We’ve got the best banana jokes in town!”

As they continue their ride, they spot a group of seagulls playfully swooping down to catch a glimpse of the banana boat. “Look, Ken! The seagulls want to join the Banana Brigade too!” Barbie points with excitement.

Ken grins, “I guess we’ve become the talk of the beach! The Banana Brigade is gaining quite the following!”

They ride with even more enthusiasm, feeling like celebrities of the beach as they attract the attention of both humans and seagulls alike.

“Barbie, this is the most ‘a-peeling’ adventure ever!” Ken declares, filled with excitement.

Barbie raises an eyebrow, ready with another pun. “You could even say it’s a ‘banana-cular’ experience, Ken!”

Their laughter carries across the water as they enjoy the banana boat ride to the fullest, making memories and sharing laughs that will stay with them forever.

With each passing moment, their bond grows stronger, and they know that their playful adventures will continue, filled with love, laughter, and a whole bunch of banana puns. As the sun sets on their exciting day, they ride back to the shore, cherishing the joyous memories they’ve created on their banana boat escapade.

“Barbie, this has been a ‘bananza’ of fun!” Ken exclaims with a smile.

Barbie nods in agreement, her heart full of happiness. “And with you, every adventure feels like a ‘banana-riffic’ dream come true, Ken!”

With a shared laugh, they return to the beach, grateful for the joy they’ve found in each other’s company and looking forward to the next humorous and exciting adventure that awaits them in their playful world of Ken and Barbie.

The “Barbie 2” Revolution: Alan Nafzger’s Cosmic Comedy Takes on Hollywood Legend Greta Gerwig

In a world where the word ‘reboot’ has almost as much sting as a Star Wars prequel, a quiet revolution is brewing. If you think this tale is limited to just Malibu dream houses and fancy pink convertibles, think again. Welcome to the awe-inducing world of “Barbie 2,” a screenplay so audacious that even its writer, Alan Nafzger, wasn’t afraid to challenge a $1.4 billion Hollywood legend — Greta Gerwig.

Why Nafzger Over Gerwig?

It seems like Hollywood’s most notorious risk, and yet it’s a risk that is paying off. “Alan Nafzger doesn’t mind going up against titans like Greta Gerwig, because he brings to the table what most can’t — a keen sense of humor wrapped around an adventurous spirit,” explains Caroline Johnson, a Hollywood screenwriting consultant. SOURCE

“Nafzger’s script is a banquet of wit and irreverence, qualities that make his storytelling more engaging,” adds film critic Arnold Ward.

“Whereas Gerwig focuses on the deeper emotional landscapes, Nafzger brings the characters into hilarious situations, and the humor resonates with a larger audience,” elaborates Terry Miller, another Hollywood expert.

Meet The Out-of-this-World Characters

Forget the Barbie of yesteryears; this is a new-age Barbie, a perfect foil to Ken’s Elon Musk-meets-Jerry Seinfeld character. SOURCE for Characters

Ken is on the run, propelled by corrupt politics straight into outer space. Meanwhile, Barbie, the woman of the hour, is hiding out not to testify against him or reveal his whereabouts. Let’s face it, it’s easier to find Waldo than these two.

The Universe Explained

And where does all this magic happen? In a universe so unique, it combines the classic charm of Barbie with modern-day political humor, engineering marvels, and stand-up comedy, all while Ken hurls towards Mars like a plastic comet. SOURCE for the Universe

The Plot Unveiled

The storyline revolves around Ken, who is launched into a reckless space mission to Mars, compelled by politics and corruption. When things take an unexpected turn, it’s up to Barbie to pull off the greatest space rescue since Apollo 13 but with more eyeliner. SOURCE for Plot

Humorous Insight

Now imagine being stuck in space, on Mars of all places. You can’t just run to the local store for some Mars bars or even a spare oxygen tank. But don’t fret, Ken and Barbie come prepared with their signature charm and wit. In fact, if NASA had a sense of humor, they’d send a stand-up comedian to Mars; thankfully, Ken’s already halfway there.

The script can best be described as “Some Like it Hot” meets Elon Musk. It’s a wild ride, from politics to space to comedy, all in one plastic fantastic package.

In Conclusion

As Alan Nafzger’s “Barbie 2” script continues to make waves, one thing is for sure: It isn’t afraid to challenge the norms of Hollywood. So, whether you’re Team Gerwig or Team Nafzger, one thing is clear — Barbie and Ken have never been this entertaining.

So, the next time someone tells you that reboots are boring, point them in the direction of “Barbie 2.” Because sometimes, all it takes is a little plastic to shake up the big screen.

To know more and to get an in-depth look at the script, you can DOWNLOAD THE SCRIPT HERE.



Katy Room Comedy Writer...

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