How Typing become THE MOST Important Skill?

Education Futurist Hands on Lead Learner
Published in
5 min readMar 2, 2019

First of all, let`s see what is the definition of skills?

Skill is simply: expertise!

To understand better why I consider typing the connector and basic skill, please take a moment and go back to my article and read about Typing -The Connector Element in Today`s Education.

There are two groups of skills that we have:

What are the above skills that you mastered?

To be honest I do not agree with considering having a degree or certificate. is a skill. It is “A”certification of acknowledgment, but not a skill.

Why should a piece of paper, made at a time in your life define your skills?

I know hundreds of people, that I personally met during my life who have beautifully framed certificates and high-level degrees, but do not perform well, are unhappy and lost interest in any further development the day they got their certificate?

Born and raised in a country with 2 languages, /one your native and one the official/ I will always praise this opportunity of growing up bilingual. Developed my brain in so many ways had “opened” my brain is easily picking up any language.

I joke these days, that I speak 5 languages, none of these perfect but at least I do get around the world pretty easy!

Typing, machine operating and computer programing it makes so much more sense!

I can type pretty fast, actually, I have a certification from 1980 for typing and steno dactylography/ just saying I got this but we never even learned about the steno part/ I am pretty good at machines operating, understand the basic of coding, never wrote a program by my self, but now I will try…

But this article is not about me, it is about what we are teaching to our kids today.

So, languages? Well, most of the kids that aren't born in an English speaking country will learn English by watching English tv channels and singing songs and remembering lines from cartoons!

But what about the kids born in an English language country?

Out of the world’s approximately 7.5 billion inhabitants, 1.5 billion speak English — that’s 20% of the Earth’s population. However, most of those people aren’t native English speakers. About 360 million people speak English as their first language.

So what foreign language are your kids learning?

Typing! Well, after all, this is all about it is!

If you can type, and I mean here to type accurately and fast you have mastered the skill of all.


Many companies require today a 50 WPM typing speed even to consider to hire for basics position. Well, when all is written communication who needs a person that needs more than 2 minutes to answer a simple email?

So, why is that we DO NOT TEACH our kids typing along with writing?

Handwriting is fading and many people are worried about this and blame many behavioral issues of today generation because of this.

But let`s just remember something: what most parents give in their child's hand first? Is it a pencil or a smartphone?

What do children see each and every day? Do they see us handwriting or do they see us typing all day long on our smartphones and computers?

You know that the first way kids learn is: monkey sees, monkey do?

By today, calligraphy and handwriting become an art, it is definitely not anymore a skill that we need to master!

You see we are at a shifting point in history.

Shifting needs to be supported by mastering the skills that we need to make the shift into the next era.

Driving a horse carriage one day was a skill, today is a sport and in some countries a form of art.

So driving that today is considered a basic skill, was once a skill that people need to master when the cars appeared.

And driving will be soon an art too. As the self-drive cars, will make the driving part, but we will need machine operation skills, typing, and programming skills to drive our cars. Just warning you, this will happen sooner than you think!

Operating computers is a skill that we also need to master. I can see this is in the schools that we teach. Students come in and sit down in the front of a computer start pressing the tabs until something shows up. If by chance they are not getting the immediate page or game that they are looking for, kids became frustrated and their anxiety level raise by the moment!

We need to facilitate our students to understand machine and computer operating.

Did you ever think about taking a class on how to properly operate a computer or your smartphone? It sounds ridiculous but I promise, if you would consider taking one, there would save you many minutes of frustration and you would be discovering miracles that your devices are able to perform for you.

Does just not make sense to you by now, that we actually do not pay attention to developing the skills that we need and keep focusing on skills that are outdated or became art?

Now let`s take a look at soft skills:

Most of the communication today is done in writing through typing. Better you type, better you communicate.

Flexibility today is when you can respond and participate in online communication almost all times all places, at a fast pace. That goes by typing again…

Leadership, teamwork are today all based on your skills around how efficient can you communicate, and how fast you can do it…just saying it is again typing

Last but not least: time management, is all about achieving goals efficiently so you know by now and you need to agree: direct messaging, emails and fast and accurate typing is the name of the game, here too.

Conclusion: TYPING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SKILL, as it: supports and develops all other skills we need. Period.

Teaching kids from an early age, typing and I say here touch typing becomes not only important but now mandatory.

Let me know your thoughts, do not be afraid to challenge me!

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Education Futurist Hands on Lead Learner
Writer for

I am a mother and edu-facilitator, author, homemade food addict ,clean water guru and positive attitude junkie, life adventurer and people lover! Now a blogger!