Did the CIA Murder Tupac Shakur, Kurt Cobain, John Lennon, the Black Panthers and Other Activists?

Katy Walker Mejia
4 min readJan 5, 2016


Do you remember the first time you where on the internet or worldwide web? Most people started off on the BBS boards or mIRC chats and then graduated to the web. Back in the 90’s in high school my brother had a pretty decent modem and he showed me how to get on the chat rooms. Then I met a strange Swedish guy in the mIRC channel #underground who helped me figure out how to use the web. This was around the time Kurt Cobain had passed and the very first time I ever remember receiving an email with a “hyperlink”. This mysterious link sent me to a page on my computer screen about his murder that was a bit difficult to read, (I recall a very busy background with typewriter text). I’ll never forget that special day. One link lead to another, then to another and another and another! I had fallen down the virtual rabbit hole, something I’d only heard about in Jefferson Airplane’s song, White Rabbit.

Apparently Tom Grant, the person that Courtney Love had hired to follow Kurt was coming out with all sorts of information on how the whole case was completely botched. I was hooked! It was my first foray into the world of conspiracies. Someone had clearly conspired to murder Kurt Cobain and only until recently did I finally get the full story. Surprisingly, the documentary “Soaked in Bleach” is now trending on Netflix and it popped up in my queue. Usually nothing remotely conspiracy related is suggested so that’s saying something. People are waking up!

Courtney Love’s documentary “Montage of Heck” actually kind of made me a bit sick. I could tell she was lying and it just didn’t seem right so I was dying to get the real story from Tom Grant’s secretly recorded conversations with her which are featured in ‘Soaked in Bleach’. After watching the film, I knew there was even more to the conspiracy. There is no way Courtney Love orchestrated this all by herself. Clearly the record company would have an interest in his millions, after all, dead artists sell a whole lot more product then those that manage to survive celebrity and exploitation. Too many artists that use art to wake people up have died suddenly (or gone “crazy”) and anyone can recognize the pattern. From Bob Marley, to Dave Chapelle to Jimi Hendrix, Amy Winehouse and even to folks like Lauryn Hill and of course John Lennon (which most people know had a massive FBI file). If you question the status quo you become a target. The feds monitor the black lives matter movement and thanks to 9/11 and other false flags, its easy for them to hack your email. According to our governments, protesting war or racism is a threat to national security.

Last night I decided to check out Buzzsaw, a talk show hosted by Oliver Stone’s son, Sean, and the first thing that popped up on the youtube was “How the CIA Killed Tupac, Cobain, Lennon, Hendrix & Other Activists with John Potash”. Down the rabbit hole I went!

Special guest author John Potash talks about the CIA’s murderous targeting of Tupac Shakur, Kurt Cobain, John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, the Black Panthers and other leftist political activists. Potash’s book “Drugs as Weapons Against Us” is mind blowing and answers the questions I had about Courtney Love dating back to the birth of the internet. If you follow VigilantCitizen.com, you guessed it — it was some form of Monarch Mind Control. They also talk about the role that Timothy Leary and the Grateful Dead played in the MKUltra Acid Tests and how LSD was used to derail the anti-war movement in the 1960’s and many other movements.

Of course I had to order Potash’s book because who can resist going deeper down the rabbit hole? For instance, here’s one fact from the book that should blow your mind; the government gave the CIA $25 million dollars in the 50’s & 60’s to fund the MK Ultra mind control program. Thank God for the internet.

Tags: CIA, conspiracy, music, kurt cobain, courtney love, mk ultra

Originally published at www.evolveandascend.com on January 5, 2016.



Katy Walker Mejia

Educator, artivist, nature lover & self-transformer. Music/band @dreamcirclemusic / Documentary film out now @thesyncmovie