Deploy NodeJS services in 10 minutes

Kaushal Saraf
3 min readJul 19, 2018


Heroku made my life easier as a developer. NodeJS Server developed as a PoC. It took me literally 10 minutes to expose my services online for free so that the UI developers and users of the API would be able to test the API while development goes on. The SDLC.

Note: If you do not have a project but want to give the deployment process a shot. You can clone the sample repository from Github and then follow the steps below.

5 Steps literally

  1. Sign up for Heroku with a free account :

2. Create a New app from Dashboard

3. Open the application created and go to the Deploy section as below

4a. Select the ‘Heroku CLI’ option from Deployment options and follow the cli commands (install, login and deploy eventually)

Run the commands from the terminal from the root of the working directory of the project to be deployed.

After running ‘git push heroku master’ the link to the APIs exposed online will be displayed which can be used to make calls to the APIs

4b. Select the ‘Github’ repository option and connect your repository like the below

5b. Deploy using a particular branch from the Github Repository ( for starters : ‘master’)

This helped me put my NodeJS services online in a matter of a few minutes. Sharing the experience as it took me two days exploring Docker and AWS and still not as simple as the one mentioned above.

Follow up articles for apidoc (API Documentation for users)and putting mongo as Database as a Service so that our services can work online

Looking forward to discuss ideas and other ways.



Kaushal Saraf

Blockchain is the future | Blockchain@USC. I try to sleep but all i want to do is learn.