Data Domination: RDBMS vs. DBMS Battle Explored….

charani kaushalya
5 min readAug 15, 2023


In the world of data management, understanding the key differences between different database systems is crucial. Two of the most prominent contenders in this arena are Relational Database Management System and Database Management System. In this blog, we’ll embark on a journey to unravel the concepts behind these two system.

About Database Management System (DBMS):

DBMS Stan for a Database Management System (DBMS) is a software suite that enables users to efficiently store, retrieve, and manage data. Data base management systems are the foundation of modern data management. These systems store data in various formats and structures, depending on their specific purpose. It provides appropriate language to users to help query databases and updates.

Few Example for DBMS :- SQL, Oracle, dBase, MS Access, FoxPro

Databases can be used for various purposes,
* storing data for a website.
* managing inventory.

There are four main types of DBMS:

** Relational DBMS

** object-oriented DBMS

** graph-based DBMS


Other considerable DBMS types

** Network DBMS

** Hierarchical DBMS

** Cloud DBMS

** In-Memory DBMS

** Distributed DBMS

Some features :-
Data storage
** Data retrieval
** Provide high level of data security
** Data management
** Anyone can work on it.
** Multi user access.

Components of DBMS :-
** Data
** Procedure
** User
** Hardware
** Software
** Data access languages

Pros :
** Data Integrity — This integrity ensures that data is consistent, accurate, and reliable over time.
** Data security — This security ensures that only authorized users have access to the required data.
** Data redundancy — redundancy reduces the amount of data that needs to be stored and simplifies the data manipulation process.
** Data Consistency — consistency ensures that all users have access to the same up-to-date information.

Cons :
** Increased Cost.
• Hardware and Software Costs :
Database management systems need a lot of storage and expensive software for storing data.
• Staff Training and Expense
huge amount of cost is also required for training and educating staff that maintains the database.
• Cost of Data Conversion
Large amount of money is required for their salaries and the software required to design the database.

** Complexity :
The database management system is very complex to use and non technical persons cannot understand how to use its software before proper training.

** Database frailer or database damage :
It is biggest mistake it requires a lot of maintenance and constant power.

** Huge size :
As the data acquired by the organization increases, more storage space is needed to set up.

** Low efficiency .
** Currency maintains

** ** Also Database Management System has some Disadvantages over File Based Systems.

About Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

RDBMS is Stan for a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a specialized form of DBMS that revolves around the relational model of data.
This model organizes data into structured tables with rows and columns, establishing relationships between them.
The key concept of RDBMS is the use of SQL to manage and manipulate data, for structured data storage.
RDBMS is most popular database system.
Few Example for RDBMS :- MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle Database.

Some features :-
** Transaction support.
** Stored procedure.
** User defined function.
** Replication.
** Single database can spread across several tables.

Components of RDBMS :-

** Table
** Tuple (A record)
** Shema
** Domain
** Constraints.
** Columns ( Attributes )

Pros :
** Structured Query Language (SQL) — SQL is a powerful language that enables users to interact with the database efficiently and effectively.
** Atomicity — This ensure that all the transactions in the system are completed in an atomic manner.
** Reliability — RDBMS provides a reliable system for storing, updating, and retrieving data.
** Scalability — scalability leads to support for more users and data.
** Flexibility — That’s offer a high degree of flexibility, allowing users to add, delete, and update data easily.

Cons :
** RDBMS software is expensive.
** Requires skilled knowledge to implement purposes.
** Some applications are slower processing.
** Increases vulnerability.
** More difficult to recover if data is lost.
** Seen as a poor representation of the real world.

Key Differences of DBMS and RDBMS :
There are many differences between DBMS and RDBMS, but the most prevalent one is that RDBMS is a more robust tool than DBMS.
Altering data in a DBMS is quite difficult, whereas you can easily modify data in an RDBMS using an SQL query.

1. **Data Structure:**
— DBMS: Supports various data models,

ex :- hierarchical, network, and object-oriented.
— RDBMS: stick to the relational model, organizing data into tables with predefined schemas.

2. **Data Relationships:**
— DBMS: Limited support for complex relationships between data.
— RDBMS: Allows for setting up and managing relationships between tables through foreign keys.

3. **Query Language:**
— DBMS: notice on specific query languages associated with each data model.
— RDBMS: Utilizes SQL, providing a standardized language for querying data.

4. **Scalability:**
— DBMS: May lack scalability that necessary for handling large datasets efficiently.
— RDBMS: Offers scalability through techniques such as shading and partitioning.

which one best from DBMS vs RDBMS

Best and right Fit:

Selecting between RDBMS and DBMS depends on
* specific use case
* data requirements.

If persons who dealing with structured data and require robust data integrity , RDBMS might be the best bet. On the other hand, if someone’s data is less structured and you him/her need more flexibility, a DBMS could be a suitable choice.

In summary, while both DBMS and RDBMS are crucial for managing data, they serve different purposes. Understanding the concepts of RDBMS and DBMS is essential for making informed decisions. Whether you’re dealing with structured data or hold a more diverse data landscape, knowing the differences between the systems empowers you to optimize your data management strategy. So, whether someone looking to build an efficient system (RDBMS) or exploring a more flexible (DBMS), make your choice wisely and tailor your data handling strategy accordingly.



charani kaushalya

Hello , I' m undergraduate ICT student passionate about technology.