Kaushik Shweta
2 min readFeb 13, 2019

How to resolve Appium Desktop(App-image) issue in Linux:

As a beginner in automation the name that i mostly listened is Appium Automation for mobile automation testing that it supports both IOS as well as Android devices there are many ways and methods to install it but in Ubuntu/Linux people finds it difficult to install and faces various issues .

Beginning it Firstly you need to have the platform that you want to perform code on i.e Eclipse , Android studio

Pre-requisites for Appium setup on Ubuntu:

->Install Java on Ubuntu

->Set Environment Variables for Java

->Check that whether java is installed on the system or not by typing java on the terminal.

->Install Android SDK on Ubuntu

->Setup Path for Android SDK (ANDROID_HOME, Platform-tools, and Tools)

->Check that whether android is installed on the system or not by typing adb on the command prompt.

For the installation of appium desktop in Ubuntu:

->You need to install the Appium from the link given below


For Ubuntu/Linux you need to install the appium-desktop-1.10.0-x86_64.App-image.

After installing it we need to go to the properties -> permission -> allow it to open it with application

After doing this we need to double click on the icon and the Ubuntu window will be open

Normally there is issue with the Ubuntu users for the Appium desktop , as they can’t use the Appium desktop in UI form .

Hence this article will be use-full for the persons who use Ubuntu and majorly do their work from the terminal.

That’s all! I hope you enjoyed reading. Please 👏 (clap) and share if you find this post useful .(This is my first attempt at writing an article for Medium so any suggestion would be appreciated :)). Thank you